Dec 16, 2004 01:31
Wow was I wrong about how my finals week was going to go.
It was actually a pretty fun week (other than the test part). They had a pancake dinner on Monday night and had all sorts of toys and junk for us to play with. A lot of people ended up showing up for it and it ended up being a lot of fun.
Anyway, floating back in time to Saturday... I went ice skating with Stuart and his SLU friends. Man, it sucked for my foot, but it was fun over all. Word of advice though, don't go to the rink in Forest Park. It costs $8 to skate (w/ skate rental) and we had to wait forever in line. Still, I didn't fall and that to me is something, especially since my foot was killing me. After skating we went back to the SLU campus and hung out with his friends a little longer and then packed up his car. By this time it was pretty late so he ended up sleeping on the couch at my apartment so that he didn't have to drive back to SLU and then get up early the next morning to get home. he still was up pretty early to leave for home, but he was a half hour closer to home.
I have the worst cut ever. I got this cut on my hand in the skin between my thumb and index finger and it is the worst place to have a cut. Bandaids don't stay on correctly, it's hard to grip stuff or stretch fingers for say a keyboard exam, and it just plain out hurts whenever I move it. Thank goodness it's doing better today. It's weird though. I apparently have dead skin in the surrounding area. I'm not sure if it's from being covered by neosporin and a bandaid for the past 5 days or if it's just because it's healing, but it looks and feels weird. The weirdest thing about it though is that I have no idea how I got the cut. I mean I was in Schnucks with a couple bananas, tomato, and a squash in my hands and suddenly feel a pain in my hand when I'm walking down one of the isles.
Anyway, to continue on with my week. Music Theory Lab final on Monday didn't go so well. It wasn't too bad, but it wasn't what I wanted (or what was capable of) either. Considering the fact that we only had a total of four grades in the class, that final carried a lot of weight. Went through the rest of the day upset about it, but decided to talk to him about it after the written Theory final. I went shopping this day and found some anime 50% off at Gamestop, which was awesome because they had two that Stu and I want to see. I went other places too, but that was the eventful part.
Tuesday's Theory exam went okay I think. I felt alright about it, except in a few spots. I'm just hoping to have done well enough for an A in the class. Talked to Mr Howard and set up a time on Wednesday for me to come back in so I could show him how I actually could sing intervals and play our chords in the key that for some reason got me on Monday. So, that was nice.
I also had my Foundations final on Tuesday. I sucked on that because I didn't really study for it because I spent most of my time on Theory. Anyway, it wasn't too important for me to do terribly well on it since I only need to get like 57/131 questions right on it to make an A in the class.
Tuesday night was funny because I didn't have my powerpoint presentation for Children's Lit done yet and it was due today at 1. Yeah, that and I was frozen out of my MCK account so I couldn't get on the campus computers to work on powerpoint. So, luckily my roommate has it on her computer and I got on hers around 10 pm and did it all then. It didn't turn out too bad either.
Today I got up for my second chance on the Theory lab. It went a lot better this time around and before I left he told me that I had an A. After I thanked him many times for giving me the chance to come in again, I left feeling so happy that I thought I might cry. Wow, it was such a relief to hear him tell me I had an A for the lab part of the class. Hopefully I'll have the same in the lecture part.
The powerpoint went well for Children's Lit too. I got all of the points I could and she seemed to like it. It was nice to be done with it too. So now I'm done with finals. I'm anxiously awaiting my grades though. Hopefully all of them will be posted soon.
Well, I'm getting pretty tired and will need to be up semi-early tomorrow to go to Fairview with Stu.