Alric the vampire, writer, elven...alien? W.T.FFFFFFFF.

Jun 19, 2005 02:26

Bah. i'm on an Avatar high. Leeme alone, ninja!zuko WINS.  (and my dad accused me of commandeering the teddygrahms as I scurried off to the basement to watch said show last night. No, those were his exact words. Used in a serious sentance. *is amused*)

Aaand.... birdytori! Me mom saw you at the mall-- I was getting my hair all colorized---and I was all adjfksjaiknowwhereyou'regoing! (so, how was the movie? Nammit, I wanted to go so bad..-_-;)

Shoot. Tagged...twice. (flaps at Jesse n' Fae) A'right, then, here goes:

The rules are that you have to come up with 6 songs that mean a lot to you. Then you have to come up with 6 albums that also mean a lot to you. Then you tag 6 people to do it...

1. Gorillaz- Feel Good Inc.
2. Trevor Jones- Age of Magic 3. Yoshida Brothers- Nikata 4. Ashe- Cry for You
5. Enya- May it Be 6. Abney Park- Twisted and Broken

1. Gorillaz- Demon Days
2. Abney Park- From Dreams or Angels
3. Merlin OST- Merlin 4. Muse- Origin of Symmetry
5. Andreas Vollenweider- Kryptos 6. Tristania- Beyond the Veil   le re-tag. one.billion.times.:::
1. ladyshadowfairy 2. domepoleon 3. zuper_ogle_noi
4.  ladyshadowfairy 4. ningi 5.  birdytori 6.  altaria   aaargh. *beasts*       yes. another pointless post. The later it is, the more senseless they become. I probably won't even remember writing this when I wake up... p.s.     (gaaah! summer! whooo!)    
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