disney_abc Super Challenge: The Lion King II

May 05, 2009 17:32

I took the Super Challenge from disney_abc - 26 ABC icons! =3

The Lion King II: [26]


A: Adults
B: Breeze
C: Corner
D: Dumbfounded
E: Eyes
F: Food

G: Grin
H: Hearts
I: Incognito
J: Jest
K: Kiss
L: Land

M: My Lullaby
O: Okay
P: Pounce
Q: Quarrel
R: Run

S: Scar
T: Timon
U: Under the Stars
V: Vengeance
W: Wily
X: Xenomania*

Y: Youth
Z: Zeal

** Xenomania - an attachment with something unfamiliar or different

How to Credit + Rules:


challenge, ;disney, icons

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