They've used it, but Chloe hasn't done badly considering she's only had three scenes at the DP this year, and these were two of them (the third was with the nameplate):
In both shots they've practically lit the logo up with a freaking spotlight for Chloe.
They also had this panning shot that went off the window to the logo:
But idk I think while it's pretty, the shadowy lighting is creepy too.
But there's also been a lot of creepy with the yellow-reddish filter used for their scenes a lot, which is traditionally not used for happy stuff (see: the Chlark Noir scene, Dark Thursday):
Chi suggested a while back that's why so much window this year; because they want to link up the weird lighting to Pandora's weird lighting. i.e. keep staying on this path and the world will be screwed. I don't think it's so much that they want to dissociate Clark/Lois from the logo, it's more they want to REALLY EMPHASIZE THE FORESHADOWING. It's hard not to miss how they kiss in Crossfire in front of the DP window, and then kiss in front of the window showing the red sun in Pandora.
The shots of Cnois with the DP logo, are those from the start of the year (i.e. the first 3-4 episodes?) or are there some from later too?
The yellow lighting is definitely strange. It's used whether or not a character is mind-whammied. It lends credance to the Clark is not!Clark spec that's for sure. It's also odd that the Kent house is illuminated this way too. Usually it's very bright and colorful.
The with Lois sitting on Clark's desk is from Metallo (where Chloe had the nameplate shot).
The second cap is from Conspiracy, so that's recent.
The one with them in silhouette is from Echo (which had Chloe under the logo standing at Lois' desk).
Well, and the second row of caps with the Kent farm had Clark saying, "And I'm not even wearing red and blue," and as she walks out the door she gets the future flashes, which links up the lighting connection.
In both shots they've practically lit the logo up with a freaking spotlight for Chloe.
They also had this panning shot that went off the window to the logo:
But idk I think while it's pretty, the shadowy lighting is creepy too.
But there's also been a lot of creepy with the yellow-reddish filter used for their scenes a lot, which is traditionally not used for happy stuff (see: the Chlark Noir scene, Dark Thursday):
Chi suggested a while back that's why so much window this year; because they want to link up the weird lighting to Pandora's weird lighting. i.e. keep staying on this path and the world will be screwed. I don't think it's so much that they want to dissociate Clark/Lois from the logo, it's more they want to REALLY EMPHASIZE THE FORESHADOWING. It's hard not to miss how they kiss in Crossfire in front of the DP window, and then kiss in front of the window showing the red sun in Pandora.
The yellow lighting is definitely strange. It's used whether or not a character is mind-whammied. It lends credance to the Clark is not!Clark spec that's for sure. It's also odd that the Kent house is illuminated this way too. Usually it's very bright and colorful.
PS: Carlo Marks is one fine man.
The second cap is from Conspiracy, so that's recent.
The one with them in silhouette is from Echo (which had Chloe under the logo standing at Lois' desk).
Well, and the second row of caps with the Kent farm had Clark saying, "And I'm not even wearing red and blue," and as she walks out the door she gets the future flashes, which links up the lighting connection.
And yeah, the farm has looked dismal all year.
PS: Carlo Marks is one fine man.
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