Crazy Japanese cosplay 100+ Question Meme thing

Mar 22, 2010 19:55

I couldnt do it in one stting! NOT DONE!

100 Questions About Your Cosplay Lifestyle and Manners

There are no right answers to any of these questions. Quite a few can be answered with a simple "yes" or "no", but there are at least three more ways to answer any one of them. Of course, every answer has its reason and every reason has a story. Our goal isn't to pass judgement, but to get you thinking about these questions. If this questionairre starts a dialogue on manners, then we've done our job.

General Cosplay Questions

1) What's the best part of cosplay for you?

Hanging with friends and having a good time in costume. Also pictures

2) Do you use the term "kameko" ("camera-kid")?

??? so oviously thats a no...

3) Do you read event catalogs?


4) Do you rsvp to events?

I Pre-reg some conventions. Same thing.

5) Do you want to attend more events? Or are you content to remain in your local area?

I would love to go to more convention and have more chances to prance aroud in my costumes. But money is a big factor.

6) Do you use color contacts?

Yes I do.

7) Do you make your own costumes or do you buy them?

I make my own because I take more pride in them that way. But its alot of work and sometimes I am ALMOST tempted to buy things. Though I have bought accesseries.

8) Do you stick to one genre?


9) Do you think that when cosplaying, one should stick to the genre of a given event?

No, I think its fun to see diffrent things, I dont mine seeing Comic stuff or video games or movies at anime cons and what not.

10) Does it bother you when people break genre?


11) Does it bother you when people know nothing about the series they're cosplaying?

Yes, I think people should know what they are cosplaying from.

12) Does it bother you if people only know a little about the series they're cosplaying?

It depends, If someone knows the average amount that someone would know from watching/reading/playing the series/game then no,  if its like basic I read it off wiki then yes.

13) Does it bother you if people are familiar with the series, but have no affection for the character they're cosplaying?

Yes and no, I kind of think that people should like the characters they cosplay, but at the same time I know what its like to just like a characters outfit but to hate the character.

14) Does it bother you if someone else is cosplaying the same character you are?


15) Do you like posed shots?

Sure. I never know how to really pose though XD sometimes its nice when someone tells me what to do.

16) Do you like candid shots?

No, not really, because I like to know when photos are taken, but sometimes they come out really nice. So im cool if they come out ok, but its still kind of rude to take pictures without asking and giving the cosplayer a chance to make it look good.

17) Do you think cosplaying characters from adult games or pornographic material is in bad taste?

Sort of, it its a tasteful outfit or uniform its ok. If its showy and risky I dont thing its appropriate for something thats got people of all ages. Now if its an 18+ con, go for it.

18) If there's a problem at an event, do you jump to conclusions about the parties involved?

No, im all for staying out of drama though.

19) How many times do you cosplay in one month?

Not as much as I would like. And its 0 if its not a con month.

20) Do you go to photo shoots?

Not unless its a con.

21) Have you ever been included in a cosplay CD-ROM?

Not that I know of

22) Is casual cosplay okay?

For fun yes, if it makes sence and is “in character” and your not going to get pissy about being “recognized” or not have your picture taken.

23) Are you okay with your face appearing on the internet?

Yes, its kinda hobby standard in this day and age isnt it?

24) Do you find yourself thinking people are "too old" for cosplay? How old is too old?

No and yes. I dont think someone can be “too old” to cosplay in general. But you can be “too old” to cosplay some characters. Your too old when you cant pull it off anymore, when you start to look your age and that age is 10 years older than the character you are attempting to cosplay.

25) Do people who walk around in gothic lolita fashion bug you?

No, they are cute

26) Do you think Chinese dresses count as "cosplay"?

No, not unless its a character in a chinese dress.

27) What bothers you the most about cosplay?

Rude people who think they are too good for everyone, and People who just dont try there best.

28) Do you think it's important to be "in character"?

No, only for pictures. Because people might misjudge you if your in character all the time, because they dont know your real personality and wont know how to interact with you accordingly. Doing little things here or there thats “in character” with people from the same thing can be cool.

29) Does it make you nervous to be eyed by regular visitors at a public event?

Yes and no. I sometimes think its funny, but you never know how people will react. So I dont like to do it if its just me. If there are other people, I feel better about it

30) Do pre-scheduled cosplay appearances by popular cosplayers annoy you?

Somewhat. I dont really care for the “popular cosplayer” thing

31) Do you tell other people your best locations for shoots?

If I had some sure!

32) Do you put on your makeup before your wig or after?


33) Do you know a lot about the series' you cosplay?

Yes, I really like them and the characters and tend to be up to date with where it is as best I can.

34) Do you wear costumes only once or many times?

Some I have done only once and some I have done a few times. It depends on if I get a chance to wear it again, or if I like and am happy with it enough to wear it again.

35) When you've decided what costume to do next, do you share that information with other people?

Most of the time.

36) Do you want to be in cosplay magazines?

If it happens it happens.

37) What's the most important part of cosplay for you?

Having a good time and just enjoying yourself and getting away and “being someone else” for a day.

Event Participation Questions

38) How active are you cosplaying in your own community?

I go to 3 conventions a year. thats about it. thats all I can afford.

39) What do you wear on the day of an event?

Whatever costume I had planned and brought with me.

40) Do you eat lunch on event days?

If im hungery and remmeber to eat.

41) Do you eat breakfast before attending events?

Yes, I always grab something

42) How long does it take you to change?

It depends on the costume, 1/2 an hour to a few hours.

43) Do you think it looks geeky to attend an event with a big SLR camera?

No, but if your cosplaying it makes it hard to fuss with and take pictures.

44) What camera do you use? A compact? An SLR?

Its a tiny kodak or somthing..

45) Are you afraid of cameramen? Are you cool with them?

Im cool if they are cool, if they are creepy, im not so cool with them.

46) Are you one of the first to line up to get inside?

No.. lol that would mean getting up early and standing in a line, both things I dont like doing.

47) Do you not mind showing up late?

I like to be there at a good time, not early but not lunch time eather.

48) Do you have a small after party or a huge get-together?

Usually we just part ways if its Sunday, but if its a Friday or Saturday we go hang out get some dinner and drinks before going to sleep in the hotel.

49) Do you like karaoke?

Ya, is ok.

50) Are you tolerant of bad singers?

Depends on how bad. if my ears bleed Im out...

51) Do topics unrelated to animation and manga bug you? Or do you think it's okay to talk about anything at all?

Most things are ok to talk about.

52) Do you eat lunch while inside event areas?

sometimes, but I prefer to find a table and eat at it.

53) Can you handle the cold?

No, not if its really cold, I like comfortable. but some cold I can take

54) Do you buy doujinshi at events?

If I have money and its somthing I like.

55) Do you make doujinshi to sell at events?


56) Do you have a group that participates in group events?

I have a bunch of friends that go to conventions and stuff. We sometimes do things togeather.

57) Are you a member of a cosplay circle/club?

Not really.

58) When the event is over, how late do you stay out?

Never later then 12 for me.

59) If a new face approaches you at an event and takes up a few minutes of your time, are you annoyed?

No, as long as I wasnt in the middle or somthing or busy and they intorupted, but I let people know if im busy with something.

60) Do you go to cosplay dance parties?

No, I use to but raves and balls just arnt that cool, plus Im not raveing in cosplay.

61) Do you think your Layer status is higher than others is a lot of people want to take your picture? Does it bother you?

What the hell is a Layer Status... Do I think Im better then people? no

62) Do you get jealous of other cosplayers having a lot of pictures taken of them?

Not useally. But I'll admit to it if they are REALLY bad and not from somthing populer or slutty and are gettting more them me. But I get it if its somthing thats populer/highly recagnized or slutty, they just get more pictures its the way that the world works. I get it and theres nothing to get huffy over.

63) You're asked for a picture but have something else to do, do you refuse?

Sometimes, it depends on how pressing that something else is. If its going to affect me to stop for a fewsec. and take a picture then I will say "im sorry I have something im late for I cant, if you see me around later as me then" but useally a few sec. is not a big deal so I dont turn down many pictures.

64) When you take pictures of people at events, do you give them all copies of the prints?

Yes i take pictures, and I put them on line. weather they find them or not im not sure.

Photo Shoot Questions

cosplay meme question thing

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