Oct 21, 2010 17:09

Player Information:
Name: kaia
Journal: care
Method of Contact: (aim) city in war, pm
Previous characters: n/a

Character Information:
Full Name: Lavi
Series: D.Gray-man
Canon point: chapter 185 (the arrival of the Third Exorcists at the Order)
Age: ~19
Species: human
Appearance/PB: click
Appearance upon arrival: He's wearing the full uniform and since he's at the Order by the time he arrives, he's in good shape and has minimal bruises and cuts.

Previous RP memories: n/a
Bringing someone along?: nope!
Character History: click

Lavi is cheerful, bright, teasing, and sometimes a huge pain in the ass. It's skeptical whether he's daring or stupid when it comes to purposely annoying people (i.e. Kanda) and coming up with nicknames. He has a soft spot for attractive women, especially his type, to the point where he focuses on her and blanks out the rest of the world. He's a reliable fighter in combat, ideal for both elemental strength and strategy. ... However, this is how "Lavi" is. What about his other 48 selves?

We don't know. At the start of his stay at the Order, even though outwardly friendly enough, he was inwardly cynical. He associated humans with battles and repetition with no hope to learn. He felt like he was above everyone else and only hung around for more to write about in his records. His job was the only thing interesting, to know what other people don't, but it was a narrow minded point of view.

We do know about his psychology somewhat, and is known to think differently than the other three main characters. He's passionate about his job as a Bookman, to the point where it was (?) his first priority. He is always calculating and memorizing, down to every line of a conversation. He considers his life as a Bookman and Exorcist separate, being careful not to confuse and mold the two, but that gradually became difficult to draw a clear line over the years of his stay at the Order. Nonetheless, he keeps an act in front of his peers whether intentional or not, due to habit and his mentor, Bookman. His relationship to Bookman is a lot like a grandfather and grandson, considering Lavi was raised by him. Nonetheless, Bookman taught him everything he knows and it has come to use in battles.

Lavi rarely, if ever, shows his Bookman side though. Sometimes it leaks through when he gets confused with emotions (Even though it's obvious how much he cares for Lenalee, his doubt noticeably came to light when Allen was assumed "dead"), which he started both noticing and hating. When someone he knows is in danger, he acts completely out of his duty as a Bookman and responds like an Exorcist. A huge sign is when Lenalee comes back to consciousness on the ship to Japan, Lavi starts crying in relief. When it's revealed Tyki was the one who "killed" Allen, he wanted to avenge him, proof of just how much he has changed. Since this is something he's never really dealt with, when his concern over his "comrades" clashes with his duties as a Bookman, he lashes back. He's put into a temporary depression before bottling it, and also tends to take it out as anger on others. This seemed to change when he came to terms with it thanks to Rhode's mindhack, and also seems to have moved on from this.

In speaking of Rhode, his "dream" gave us an interesting insight. This confirmed his concerns about his friends and how he feels he's not fit to become a Bookman anymore. It's revealed he even started to hate his duties a little, which he starts to view as a limitation. However, in order to save his own mind and his friends (his Bookman self took over his body and was attempting to kill Allen at the time), he goes as far as launching his fire seal on himself, readily preparing to die. After Allen saves him however, Lavi comments that he feels refreshed, meaning he has come to accept how he feels and that "Lavi" is becoming his true self. Though later, when Bookman tells him they would probably have to leave, Lavi tells himself to not get heartbroken, which means he still has problems on the issue.

His fellow Exorcists seem to bring out different sides of his personality. Allen is who you could assume he has the bromance with. Considering Lavi is the only guy around Allen's age in the Order, their friendship is based on, y'know, bros. Lavi claims himself as Allen's older brother, and they get in trouble together (that's a lie, Lavi tends to be the one to drag Allen into trouble a lot), fight well together, and seem to be the happiest around each other. He basically helps show Lavi how he acts when he's a friend, teasing endlessly but out of fondness. Allen is a huge reason for Lavi's state of mine during the Ark. Lenalee is somewhat of a love interest for Lavi, although he keeps it subtle and shows no signs of acting on it. She brings out his concerned and protective side, readily watching over her and saving her when necessary, and the only one known to make him cry out of worry. Kanda, well, he's prime time entertainment. Lavi is mostly playful when it comes to pissing him off.

Overall, "Lavi" is the one we portray him as while "Bookman" is the self he always keeps in mind. But "Lavi" is dangerously becoming his reality.

Character Abilities: First off, being a Bookman, Lavi developed an incredible memory. He is able to memorize every detail of something he saw once, which pulled him and his team out of trouble before. Next is the weapon he used to defeat Akuma in his world, the size-shifting hammer, which can grow in size or extend its handle (very handy to fly on) to his command of either "grow" or "extend". The weight shifts to the appropriate amount with the size, yet it feels all the same to Lavi so he can swing it around easily.

That's not all this baby can do. Besides using it just for blunt force, the hammer also has the ability of "judgements". They are elemental seals that appear and hover around Lavi, and he hits them with his hammer to activate their ability. He has four seals total so far:

Hi Ban (Fire Seal) - creates a large fire snake
Ten Ban (Heaven Seal) - creates a vast storm of lightning
Moku Ban (Wood Seal) - controls objects in nature. clouds, for example.
Konbo Ban (Combo Seal) - combines stuff. Once used the fire and heaven seals to create a snake of fire and iron. Made a shield-like flame, too.

There is more, but as they appear as questions marks, it probably means that he has yet to unlock them (though apparently when he forgets he has a seal, it can turn into a question mark too. He also has the water and earth seals but he has yet to use them.)

Possessions: Clothes, hammer, and a smallish bag with a couple books and document scrolls.
Anything else: 8)

Action/Communication thread/post sample: voice/action[there's mumbling and incoherent words with the only audible sentence being "I hate this thing!" although it's quiet. and suddenly Lavi speaks up, sounding a little annoyed but ready to give this seal thing a shot]

Hello? Hello? Seriously, can anyone hear me? I can hear you! [waits for a response, doesn't get one, and lets out a huge sigh. thanks guys.]

Okay, fine. Listen, I'm an Exorcist of the Dark Order. We're a pretty huge help. If someone can get to me about what to do, I'd appreciate that. I was told at the desk that this place is called Splendoro City, but the map I got makes no sense. If someone could give me points to England, that'd be great. Thanks.

Log/Prose sample:He's angry before his face even hits the ground.

Unfortunately, his face hits it hard. It's instantaneous pain, jolting from his nose all the way to his cheeks and forehead, the palms of his hands scratching on the pavement. He sits up a little and turns around, already glaring at the weird music box with such hate that it might as well set on fire. Who leaves a music box in the middle of the sidewalk? He stands up and dusts himself off, checking if his nose broke or anything (thank God it didn't), and gives the music box one last look before turning away.

But he doen't take any steps.

"... What is a music box doing in the middle of the sidewalk?" It's probably a dumb question but he turns around anyway, staring at it again. There's nothing special about it, he notices, as he immediately starts to take note of it. It isn't on its side or tumbled open as if someone dropped it. There isn't any scratches or price tag and it is placed perfectly parallel with the sidewalk, the front of it facing him.

In other words, it was meant to be there. He crouches down, arms on his knees as he peers at it. He's never really owned a music box; he really had no room to travel with one. Bookman didn't believe in carrying around useless things so Lavi picked up on the habit, dropping whatever was unnecessary and not having a care in the world about it. But now that he had a place to stay, even though it was covered with newspapers and books, he started to keep small things like coins and even chess pieces as souvenirs of where he's been. A music box was a little too large, but hey, it was in the open and it was free! He reaches forward for it, turning the key on the side until it can't turn anymore. He thinks it's a pretty nice tune, not his favorite, but it's catchy.

That's when things start getting kind of trippy.

The second he snaps out of it - what was that? - he's no longer seeing huge horrifying nights and hot princesses: he's staring at something more grand and real. Except, Lavi is not in awe, but more of a panic.

"... What the hell!?"

*application, !ooc

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