Nov 10, 2005 09:12
I only have this to say. 16% voter turnout.
From now on before engaging in a political discussion with anybody, ask them if they cast a ballot in the last election. If the answer is no, calmly ask them why (in my social group they could be an alien from Pluto, or maybe even Canadian). If the answer does not include some reason for being legally barred from voting (eligible, but not registered does not count, you can just shoot those people now, go ahead, some guy on the internet said it was okay (not me of course)).
Now, when face with someone without a reasonable excuse (as listed above) for not voting chose your preferred actions:
1) Scream STFU up at them (preferably 2 inches from their face with a little bit of spittle flying about), or
2) Kick them in the balls (or that general area if reproductive organs are not entirely accessible).
If any of those people are my friends... I'm deeply disappointed in you.
How stupid does it have to get people?