Long time no update

Sep 28, 2004 22:21

Let's further delve into what humanity is....

....In a certain sense man is an appendage of impulse; hence the regeneration of character must be through te reformation of impulses and not their inhibition. A certain consistency must exist upon all planes of activity. The animal soul must ever express itself through animal instincts, the generating soul through the instincts of generation, and the rational soul through the urge to rationality. For the internal nature thus to function upon one level of consciousness while the external nature attempts to exist upon another, is to create a confusion which must inevitably result in disaster. Socrates maintained that the rationalizing of the individual must take place in the causal nature which, flowing downward into the corporeal constitution, will speedily mold the inferior to the image of the superior. Hence his emphasis upon the efficacy of irony and inductive reasoning. Irony is here to be understood in the sense of fate, which philosophers have ever declared to be ironical. Fate effects the liberation of the rational part by revealing all things are destined to return to their own natures (or origins) in spite of every effort to nullify this design. Ultimate achievement is hence unavoidable, and is the certain end of all beginnings; but incalculable is the interval that must elapse before the operations of divine procedure restore all things to the original.

Peace and Guidance, folks.
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