Jan 10, 2012 19:06
These messages were copied and pasted from my tumblr. You're welcome to ask me any questions, as always. But for this particular subject I'd rather you ask them privately.
Post #1: January 6
I’ve been pretty busy lately. No time for any games, or internet for that matter. I’m helping an ex with some pretty serious problems right now while trying to maintain a stable relationship with my current boyfriend. I have a friend who has been in the hospital for the past week and a half, and I need all my extra time to go to her.
Honestly, I’m not sure when I’ll be back with sims. Hopefully it’ll be soon though. I love you all, and will miss you all.
Post #2: January 10
Sorry I haven’t been on you guys. I’ve been… busy.
Today while I was at school, holding Bryan’s hand, at lunch , I got a message. It was a message from my friend’s mother. She told me that her daughter didn’t make it pass the surgery. She wanted me to come by the hospital afterschool to say a final farewell with her because she couldn’t do it alone. Afterschool, I went with her to say goodbye. I don’t think I’ve ever cried so much in my life. When I saw her, I swear I saw her breathe. But then I heard the continuous buzz of the heartbeat thing going off. I cried until I literally threw up. She was my closest friend. We told eachother everything, rarely had any fights, and were practically inseperable. I loved her a ton, and our memories will always be with me. I know she earned a pair of wings and flew up high into the sky and is already watching me. She didn’t deserve this. But it did put her out of her pain and I understand that. It’s just hard.
I’d like to let you all know that I love you all. Although I’m closer to some than I am to others. I think you all are amazing. You all have a very important purpose in life, even if some of you haven’t found it yet, I know it’s there. I’ve talked to only a handfull in this community, but I’m always welcome to talk to new people. You guys are just amazing. Sometimes I feel like I can tell ya’ll things that I can’t even tell my friends in RL. You guys understand certain things that I’m afraid would be misunderstood in the “Real World”. And well, you guys make me feel better about myself.
Anyways. Now I’m trying to hold on tight to my relationship with Bryan. As well as a good friendship with my ex. I almost lost him, and I’d really not like to go through that again. We’re good friends, and I’ve kept an eye on him while he’s been in an institution place. I’ve been visiting him with Bryan for the past few weeks. He seems to be getting better, but that’s only when I’m there. The doctors say they worry he won’t get better. I pray he will though. I believe in him. He can.
Sorry for another text post.