Feb 27, 2006 18:52
Dear Boston,
Please stop being so cold.
Your Friend,
Becky Korn
Yesterday night when I went to Campco I noticed this HUGE puddle in the street in front of the building. A parked car and the thing that helps wheelchair people get on the t were coated in ice, and I thought, hey that's kind of weird. Then, as I was coming back from Campco this big blue truck comes and double parks in front of the building. So, I go upstairs and don't really think about it anymore. Then, as I was throwing away my gross microwavable chicken pot pie my RA comes up to me and is like "Did you hear the announcement?" and I hadn't so he tells me that a water mane in front of Warren Towers broke and that they are turning off the water, so I'd better go pee, because I wouldn't be able to use the bathroom until the next morning. It was about 6 o'clock so it was pretty sucky. I go to the bathroom then, but by 10 o'clock I have to go again. I try to ignore it and try going to sleep, but all I can think about is how much I have to pee. So finally at like 1:15 I am like FUCK THIS! and put on some pants and my coat and walk across the street in the brutal cold to CAS (College of Arts and Sciences) to go pee because they told us the doors would be open all night to let us use the bathroom there. Of course when I get there the doors are all locked. So I come back, but my pjs back on and have a really tough time going to sleep. The water came on again this morning, but I was not going to get up early to take a shower so I was greasy gross all day long. The end.
I have two midterms this week: Italian and Core Humanities. I also have an Italian composition due on friday. It is on an event from my childhood and I don't know what to write about. I'll ask my mom when I call her tomorrow after the Gilmore Girls (or as I affectionately call it: the gmg's).
I am tired today. I can't wait for summer. My dorm room is cold.
Today I had cocoa crispies for breakfast/lunch. I have not had such a delicious cereal in a long time. I wish I could eat cocoa crispies for every meal. Actually, I think I can. I will implement this plan starting tomorrow.
I really like oranges now. I stole two from the dining hall and I want to eat one right now, but I am saving it for later.
My cartilage piercing def. closed up which f-ing sucks. I had it in for over three years and then it closes up in two days. Thanks a lot abnormal growth that I am going to have checked out when I come home for spring break!
Mack the Knife by Bobby Darin is basically the only song I listen to anymore. It is such a good one. It was on a 50's tape that my mom used to listen in the car when I was little and we would sing along to it. I remembered it and downloaded it a week ago and it has been Bobby Darin 24/7 since then. Even when I am in class, I am listening to it play in my head.
Yes that line forms on the right,babe.
I can't wait to go home. I miss my parents a lot. I think I am a little closer to them then my brothers were at my age. Probably because I had four years alone with them when my brothers were in college and I was still in high school.
So far in my family something has happened to everyone in my generation (that is old enough anyway) except for me. My oldest cousin Kristen came out and got kicked out of her sorority at Clemson then dropped out of school for a while, Zachary had the whole getting arrested for smoking pot AND the dropping out of college for a semester AND the almost not graduating from college, Nicky had the being picked up drunk in Franklin park (which is not that big a deal I guess),my cousin Nigel likes punching stuff, and my younger cousin Aileen drank an entire bottle of whiskey and went into a coma because she wanted to know what it was like to be drunk. Then there is me, I've been too careful to get caught with alc and pot, I'm not gay, I'm not Zachary, and I am not super aggressive. I wonder what my thing will be. I don't like being the "perfect" one, which is what I know my aunts consider me to be. It annoys the hell out of my Aunt Jay because I think she compares me with her own daughters (whatever, sucks to be them). Maybe I won't have a thing.
I wish Project Runway was on on Mondays.I kind of want Santino to win because he is such an ass and isn't afraid of being different. He has a lot of talent, he just needs to edit himself. All the designers are really good this season. Last season it was one bad(ish) designer, one ok but not very unique, and one ok but really unique. Jay is an asshole.
I just ate a piece of string by accident.
Ew,tomorrow is Tuesday. I hate Tuesdays, but I heart podcasts!!
I changed all my mouses so now my mouse has a waggily tail and when I hover over links it is a red horse running in place. There are other cool mouse options too, though I think my parents' computer had more.
I'm so tired I just might die.
I am writing a new story and I am going to save it to a million things so I never ever loose it ever. (I am so traumatized).
I really hate the singing girls down the hall. I really do. OMG Thats-so-Raven/Fatma/Snow just walked by singing as I wrote that. I hate her so much. STOP FUCKING SINGING FOR FIVE MINUTES!!! The other girl, her roommate Merida (I've written about her before), actually has a good voice and is therefore not as annoying, plus she sings mostly in her own room, but sings really loud.
This entry is fucking looooooooong. sorry about that. I don't want to study so I spill my heart out on lj. ok not really.
the end.