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edit:I repeat: please do not friend me because of the bots.
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This is my first bot post in some time, but since something major has changed, I figure it's worthy to make an update.
Livejournal Abuse has apparently stopped deleting reported bots
I have noticed a sharp increase in daily adds from bots, and several people have contacted me telling me about the number of bots that are adding them.
People are also telling me that when they report them, the bots disappear from their friends pages, but are NOT deleting.
I asked LJ directly, but they gave me the usual line of not being able to tell me specifics.
They also gave me the usual line that they're trying things to stop bots from signing up - the same thing they've been saying for 8 months, but the bots are only worse, so i'll believe it when i see it.
They did not deny that they are no longer deleting them.
I was told one thing useful: if you'd like details on why bot you report aren't deleted: open a request and ask! seems to be illogical, I thought the reason for the other way to report bots was because they didn't have time to respond personally about bot reports. Apparently now they do.
If anyone gets a specific response about why a bot you've reported has not been deleted, please share it here to help others.
In other news, isn't it weird that LJ support staff are not above snarky comments and name-calling?
You'd think they're be more mature, and put those things aside to better represent LJ. Must be their way of showing us they're just average people.
Remember to be civil in all communication with LJ staff - it's not their fault they're petty, or that the bot problem didn't go away when they tried to ignore it.
Unlike other websites, they have no problem with just closing your support request without a response, so be nice and you'll be more likely to get an answer.