See all bot posts:
Cyrillic russians serial adding friend friending livejournal bot random auto spider
Do not link directly to this post,
link to the tag. If you have been linked directly to this post, tell the person to fix their link.
If you have been added by random russians recently, you can find answers here.
Take the poll, then please read all the posts in this category.
If you still have questions, I will answer them.
Informing people to
report them to LJ-Support is the only way to combat the bots.
Please spread the word about these bots, link your friends here and tell them to report them to
LJ-Support - feel free to tell "nympholept sent me"
When a bot adds you, see if anyone else has commented on their entries and tell those people about the bots too.
Link here only: not friend me because of the bots - bot posts will not appear on your friends page. This journal is not bot-centric, and the only reason these posts are here is because google was already sending people here before I added all these detailed posts.
Take the poll
, I want to know how you found me. :)
As of Jan 11, 5718 people have come here, a total of 10552 times, but only 1163 people have taken the poll. :(
If I left a comment on your journal, just choose the first option.
Poll (Looks like the "have my babies" answer means you're from
nin_news - thanks guys!)
Old poll:
Poll I've closed this poll on Oct 3rd when it reached 100 because i wanted to find out where people were coming from.
#11 Statistics #10 Bot Identification Help #09 Bot Information + comments + questions #08 Reported list - submitted by you. #07 List of other Deleted Bots.