Livejournal have finally admitted he russian friend adding bots are a problem, and have suspended all 14 that i have reported. (I forgot to report one so it has not been suspended, yet.)
More information:
Cyrillic russians serial adding friend friending livejournal bot random auto spider If these livejournal random russian auto friend adding bots add you, do
make sure you file a report with LJ, because it actually works. And tell them nympholept sent you so they will take you seriously.
Thank you for your four reports on these users, and I apologize for the length of time it has taken to investigate and respond.
As these journals have shown to be violations of our Terms of Service, we have suspended the journals. To answer a question you had in another report, abbreviations such as 'StD' and 'bot' are internal codings that Livejournal staff use to re-label reports to indicate what subjects they entail or other similar items.Follow up:
While we cannot discuss the specifics of any suspensions with anyone other than the journal owner that was suspended, these journals were generally deemed to exist for no other purpose than to disrupt other users' use of the site.
Update, here are some other summaries:
+(777) *bot names* UF [ru]
+(605) *bot names* UF, poss StD bot [ru]
+(605) *bot names* UF, poss StD bot [ru]
+(605) var UF [ru]
+(605) var UF [ru]
+(91) *bot names* UF/bot [ru]
+(605) var UF/bot
[g/unk] Unwanted friending! Please help!
+(605) *bot names* UF/bot
+(605) var UF/bot
+(188) var UF/bot (164 total)
+(188) q re: russian spambots
+(188) var StS (67)
+(92) var StS
+(605) nympholept re: reports
+(188) var StS
+(92) 94 more cyrillic bots
+(92) 263 cyrillic bots.
+(92) 484 more possible cyrillic bots
+(92) 147 more possible russian bots
+(92) 442 more possible russian bots
+(92) 2111 more russian bots.
+(91) More friending bots (2295 total)