It's been a while...

Aug 09, 2009 17:16

So...I haven't exactly been updating regularly...this weekend's been good fun though, I got invited up to Jen's party, and I am really glad I came along...

Anyway. If my typing gets too bad, please forgive me - the room's still swaying, though I think that's mostly because of tiredness rather than alcohol...I hope, anyway...would explain the complete lack of hangover if I was still drunk, but I like to think my liver works better than that...

So Friday night...was the sheepdog trials (ooooooooh the excitement, I hear you say) well yes, it's about what you'd expect - it's people in wellies with collies. And ferretd :D I got to hold one, so that was good. We got utterly munched though, the whole valley was a giant midge made of a million bodies...bizarrely I didn't actually get bitten, which surprised me no end...

Saturday...was a bit less great at the start - Richard (brother in law) was ordering us all around and generally being a pain and shouting at everyone, including my sis :/ I think I managed to walk the dogs and take the vacuum cleaner on its rounds well enough to keep me out of the way.

Once we managed to head over to Jen's though then it all got really good fun - the bouncy castle (henceforth known as the bouncaline, Isi's term) was great - covered over too :D Got through my first beer without incident, chatted with Rory, Gregor, Rob etc (yes, I'm such a wierdo that the age group I can chat to most easily appears to be the 14-22's *sighs*) which was good fun, at least partially 'cos they're all rude little buggers, and utterly awesome :D

So...second beer going down, and Rory wanders back in (he'd gone off somewhere) with a couple of his friends...I did the double-take/holy hell he's hot/shit he's only 20 isn't he thing that I do *sigh* and resigned myself to an evening of wishful thinking...But of course, he was in the same group as I was chatting with, and we ended up chatting too...apparently I am far too obvious when I fancy someone (so how my sis didn't notice I liked Gregor, I will never know...not that would do anything, since he's 17...bit scary, really... I got dragged into the bouncaline with rob, lew, angus, rory, his gf claire, gregor, gary, and liam (the 20 yr old cutie) and wow that was fun...I figure perhaps my hormones weren't entirely unrequited when I got tackled by a flying Liam *Grins evilly*

So the evening kinda went from there, really, though in all probability, the whole thing was alcohol fueled and he thinks I'm a weird 30 year old :/ I'd like to think that's just my complete and utter lack of self-confidence talking, but...I dunno. Am hoping to see him again before I leave, and he said he'd like to (in the cold light of day, sober, hung-over, after being snuggled up in a tent for a few hours...and heh, shut up, low-self-esteem, he kissed me today so :P)

I think I may have to go with the silly saying of 'you're only as old as the man/woman you're feeling' :D

In which case, woo, I'm 20 again? Wish I had a pic of him, am still flabbergasted that someone quite as good looking as he is, has actually gone near me...perhaps it's my penchant for the waifs/strays and trying to make people happy. Having said that, it could just be the fact that I'm single, and a total perv.


I have to say though, bouncalining with other teens/adults is bloody dangerous...

The bouncaline was amazing though - covered over, but the entrance was...well...put it this way, the whole thing was rather obscene...and if you held the 'door' open, it actually deflated the top section because it's at a higher pressure than the outside (in order to keep it upright) so if you're at an edge, it sags and the whole thing does a bit of a flop and then you're stuck until someone manages to hold the door closed...

Usefully though, inside, there's a rather phallic object in the centre, which inflates more to hold the roof up if everything deflates (therefore no suffocating people...) does mean that inside you have the phallic object, and from inside, the door look...well, it looks like the area of a female that the phallic object would be used yeah, bouncalines are for kids, huh? *Grins*

Where was I going with this...ah yes...

*Grins* yeah, so when you're in there with several people who ought to be classed as adults but aren't really acting like it (I am so in that category) then it has a lot of potential for being dangerous, scary, and a shit-load of end up being bounced around, tackled by cute men, laughing and screaming and flirting with said cute men... *Grins*

So yeah...I got the piss taken out of me for the whole desperately wanting to seduce the 20 year old, but at least my sister was absolutely shit-faced, so she hasn't really got that much she can say without me telling her a few things... *Grins* she's actually been quite nice about it, since he and I have exchanged phone numbers and hopefully, unless someone talks him out of it, we'll meet up again before I go back home to Newcastle and he heads to I think I need to pray to the god/godess of liking people you shouldn't, and ask if they could possibly see their way clear to me getting this right...I mean no, he's probably not long-term-relationship material, simply for the fact that he's 20 and needs to go through some of the agonies of life before he finds someone to settle with, but hopefully I can at least have some fun without either of us hurting when it ends, which it's bound to do.

Pity, he's gorgeous, and a good kisser, but probably needs a better person than me to look after him and give him what he needs. Plus he really needs to go back to uni and get his degree, given what he wants to do with his life.


In summary: bouncaline was fun, much alcohol was consumed, sweets were burned on the bonfire thing, more bouncalining happened, I ended up stuck in a deflating corner, kissing a stuningly gorgeous bloke who appears to like me.

And I'm playing the game... GAH! of course, I was told that I was playing the game by the gorgeous bloke who promptly tackled me to the floor and made me feel better about myself than anyone has in quite a while. Yup, I'm extremely shallow, I know, but at least I acknowledge my failings...

One annoying thing happened though, I lost the top of my dermal anchor, so now I just have a small post sticking out of my chest...

ok, two annoying things - I was in the bouncaline trying to stop it losing air, and everyone decided that tipping the whole thing over was a good I get catapulted into the air, and drop, managing to get my foot out of the way of the face of a small child, but because of that I ended up smacking the side of my foot off the ground - all my weight landed on it...I still can't walk properly, but it's only bruised, not broken I think. Thank god for painkillers, and that's got to be the reason the room's swaying slightly, yes?


bouncaline, weekend, fun

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