My halloween costume this year will once again be Tura Satana's character Varla from Faster pussycat kill! kill!. I am undaunted by the fact that no one ever knows who I am supposed to be.
Yesterday @ Bunker I found out they are having a Halloween night. Something like a haunted house. It may be good as an alternative to Hex. Anything Russ Meyers may be more suited for Hex since they have a movie theme. But I am sure other costume parties will be cool too.
Yeah that's the weird thing... I know what my costume will be but I do not know where I am going or what I am doing for Halloween. I usually go to one house party or private event and one big event. I have always been curious about the Gotham Hall Halloween party that they have every year in Santa Monica but I have never been... A lot of movie industry people attend so they usually have awesome costumes. I might consider going to that and some scene event this year like HEX but haven't decided yet. So you think you will go to that Bunker thingy?
I pretty much decided on my costume. I am going to be an Irish MP. Gonna get some patches and costume & customize it a bit. I know a cool place in monrovia that has the uniform. Anything Santa monica sounds interesting to check out some costumes! Well HEX is really going to be the big thing this year imo. I have a feeling that I am going to go to bunker though. I never like those Mojo el Diablo costume contests they have had @ hex. That Damien dude always wins. ha.
Well HEX is really going to be the big thing this year imo. I have a feeling that I am going to go to bunker though. I never like those Mojo el Diablo costume contests they have had @ hex. That Damien dude always wins. ha.
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