Jul 03, 2007 19:33
Contemporary Art Gallery Seeks Interns
Reply to: usartoday@yahoo.com
Date: 2007-07-03, 10:25AM HST
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE join the CULT team as an intern! Can you start tomorrow? What is your phone number?
Or catch us on yahoo messenger id: u s a r t o d a y
If you have applied but not heard from us, please do not reapply.
We are looking for:
· English Majors who can spit tons of bullshit on the word ‘go’
and can turn it into a pdf on a dime
· Tech Geeks armed to the teeth with gigabits, crackers and software -
who world rather have been born by.ftp than .mom.
· Sexually Permissive individuals whose daddies own a local brewery
or liquor distributorship.
· Type Fast and Take Orders
· Phone workers who can beg for fee shit for hours
· Work Hard Long Hours on carrots with absinthe
· Youthful rich people who need a purpose in life
· Foot worshippers
· People with 2 extra 9-6’s
· People with cars and who love to drive VIP’s around
· Escort girls who need their interior walls filled up with stuff
· People who like to work in small cramped offices with
little or less clothing
· People who like to buy CULT’s chief strategist drinks in
the Lewers Room and talk strategy
· People who have keys to their parents condos
· People with cars
· People who have a black-belt or look like a body guard
· People who have an extra big, padded bike seat