Ive been trying out several alternatives to Pandora since I have had enough with some of its functionality...
I think i found a permanent replacement... mostly because of this freaking awesome firefox plug-in that makes it worth the switch... as for my review?
1. You can skip as many times as you want... or at least you can skip forward more than i could on Pandora...
2. the plug-in makes it a toolbar or a status bar instead of a dedicated entire browser page, which means you can browse in the same window...
3. every song you "<3" from the toolbar is instantly added to your personal playlist back at your profile... in other words, you dont have to stop working to say "damn i love this song, who is this?" ... you can quickly tag it as "<3" and get back to work, and its there later on your playlist... and you can replay it on demand!!
4. you can ban songs from the same artist without banning the artist (at least as far as i know) ... fyi, if you ban the same artist twice on pandora... it never plays that artist on that station again...
5. probably the best thing though, besides #3, is that you can change the station to a similar artist which seeds new artists with one click... instead of the pandora method where you have to open up several browser windows to edit or create new stations...
and the variety per artist seed is better in my opinion as well...
i dunno, maybe im being anti pandora but i like this better, i know gabe if no one else will appreciate a better custom radio station for work...
/end rant...