Long time since I've posted something...can't be helped I suppose
This morning there was snow in Rome! it's such a rare occasion everyone was excited, I run around my home taking pictures of the outside...it was awesome and beautiful, no words really xD It was cold, of course, but snow gives me a really warm feeling *w*
Anyway, later this afternoon I watched the new episode of Supernatural and..lol it was a lot funny! I just HAD to draw a quick sketch about this one XD
The episode in general was fun, ad I said, even if it was not really completely related to the Valentine day...there was the reference and settings all right but it just revolved around Famine...
Oh well
The Dean-Cass interaction is always funny (and hinting too..I mean all those stares...*giggles*) and Cupid was great too! A quick appearing but I hope we'll see him again :D When he showed up I swear I thought he was gonna jinx one of the three there (ok I hoped Dean and Cass together but I knew it was a vain hope- reality check-)
And now we have Sam high on demon blood again...and who knows, maybe Dean will say yes to Michael to save Sam? We'll have to wait and see yep
Aww can't wait to see more!
And if someone is interested I'll up a few photos of Rome under the snow (taken from my apartment ) *w*