Aug 01, 2002 04:45
I have a dilema. A friend of mine has a problem. My dilema is that if I do nothing I think my friend will be hurt. But if I say something I'm afriad that it might cause bigger problems for them and me. I don't know what to do.
I think I was shown a sign from thw gods or fate or whatever. That or it was just some cosmic coincidence. I was shown how terrible I have been I realized the bad things I've done and the people I've hurt.
I wish I had something to believe in. I used to think I didn't need to believe in some grater cosmic being. I used to think that I was all I needed. Now I just don't know anymore.
Ulgh. It's 5 in the morning. I can't believe I'm sitting here. I just couldn't sleep. I hate dilema's. I hate not having a choice to make. I hate being helpless. More than that I hate to see my friends hurt.
I hate my life. I couldn't even watch myself type it. I can't even stand the sight of it on the screen. I supose I hope nobody is reading this. When I sit here and start to type, things just seem to flow out. There are times when I'm hardly even aware of what I'm typing. Like now for instance.
Stupid mushrooms. I know I'm not in a place to tell somebody that they shouldn't do drugs, but don't do mush! It's bad for you! I'm still not sober. I can feel it sometimes. when I relax. if feels like there's somebody else inside my head trying to get out.
God I'm still drunk. Nice club. Crappy people. God I just want to sleep. I can never seem to sleep anymore. I'm going to bed now. hopefully I'll be able to get a feww hours rest before work... night night... Oh ya I still need advice on my dilema...