Thanks go to
shadowfae for finally making me write this down.
In downtown San Jose (California), there is one half-block of houses that define the world I want to live in. Twelve houses, maybe, all old victorians in various levels of repair.
While sitting on my porch, I can watch my perfect world walk past. I can watch the Imams at the Islamic Center get into and out of their mini-vans. I can watch the families go to service on the weekend, husbands and wives and little kids running wild before going to learn Allah's words. When we walk the dog at night, I can watch the Imams watering their new sod.
I can watch the anal-retentive gay Hispanic man across the street care for his house. I have never met him, but I know he's anal, because I've seen his house, his trash, his yard, all of which is so pristine it is almost terrifying.
I can watch the black couple next door stand outside and talk while watching their two beautiful children play.
I can watch the students going off to college, Indian and black and white and Asian and straight and gay and everything in between.
I can laugh as we walk the dog around the block and are greeted happily by people of all shapes, colors, and sizes.
I like my neighborhood.