Jul 13, 2007 18:37
my very first a/r fanfic, please comment and review. thanks to asouldreams over at survival instinct for the inspiration. no title yet.
Chapter 1
President Laura Roslin came out of the conference room, flanked by her two security details, physically tired and mentally exhausted. Meetings with the Quorum of Twelve were always a tedious debating process and she couldn’t wait to get a few minutes of rest in Admiral William Adama’s quarter before her next meeting. The couch being her favorite temporary resting place whenever she’s on board Galactica, and she’s forever grateful to Bill for that. A smile slowly creeped up her face…
Suddenly, behind them, an explosion burst and the floor shook. The sound reverberated through out the hallway hurting their ears. They looked back and saw the aftermath of the blast. They felt the heat emanate from the source, catching up with them. Laura and her two security details, Mark and Derek, tried to outrun it but the entire hallway shook from the intensity of the blast. Metal beams creaked, folded and collapsed. Wall panels flew off the wall and metal rods were pulled from their bolts overhead and speared the floor. Mark flung himself over Laura, both hit the ground hard. Derek flung himself from her left, landed on top of her as well, shielding her from the heat and falling debris. Laura saw the ground came up, felt pain, blackness and then silence.
In CIC, crewmembers were picking themselves up from their fallen position. Some sustained bruises, others minor cuts and abrasions.
“Report!” Admiral Adama ordered, while pulling himself up, his hand touching his forehead bleeding from a cut. Colonel Tigh didn’t fare any better. Blood seeped out of his grazed cheek as he surveyed the deck. Both men were oblivious to their injuries.
“All systems functioning, Sir.” Gaeta reported. “It seems the blast was contained along Hallway D Section 14, Sir.” Gaeta added.
“That’s near the conference room.” Adama realized. “Where’s the President?”
“Last known location, Sir, conference room A with the Quorum of Twelve.”
“Great way to wipe out the leaders of the Colony” Saul Tigh muttered. The Admiral stared him down then faced Lt. Felix Gaeta. “Mr. Gaeta, find me the President, now!” “You have the deck.” he added as he stormed out of CIC with Colonel Tigh behind him.
Adama and Tigh ran down the hall towards Conference Room A together with a retinue of marines. Along the way, they found casualties, but no sign of the President. “Gods I hope she’s alright…” Bill prayed fervently in his mind.
Rounding the corner they were met by more disaster as they neared the source of the explosion. Steel frames buckled and panels were torn from the wall scattered about. Metal rods pulled from their bolts, some swung precariously above their heads while others pierced the floor. Pipes burst, pressure gauge smashed, and smoke filled the air. Adama and Tigh picked their way through, assessing the situation as they went along.
Bill stopped in his track, Saul behind him. Amidst the fog, his eyes caught sight of a pair of black framed eyeglasses “Laura’s” Bill instantly recognized and his breath caught in his throat. “She must be here somewhere… Gods let her be safe...”
Bill glanced around anxiously, picking up debris and passing them along, hand to hand, as a path opened up thru the carnage. Suddenly, his eyes caught sight of a pale arm with a silver bracelet, seemingly lifeless, dangling on the short stair with blood dripping from her fingers. “Please Gods, not Laura…”
He moved closer and quickly removed the debris from her. More blood greeted his sight and his heart plummeted to his stomach. He saw auburn hair spilled over her shoulders, he reached out, hand trembling and prayed as he never prayed before. “Please Gods, not Laura …” He swept her hair to the side, away from her face and finally found her “Oh my Gods, Laura…”
bsg adama roslin a/r fanfic