Dec 09, 2008 14:51
Well, I was going to bitch about the post I was making yesterday that got eaten, but then it was revived when I loaded up LJ to post. Yay? It was a pretty stupid post anyway, but now you all get to enjoy it. Once more, with enthusiasm!
So a guy who runs our local DNUG (Dot Net User Group) asked me to do a talk month after next on generics. Sure, why not, right?
Other than that, have been diving into the stored procs to drive this ranking process. Quite a pain in the ass, but not sure what to do with it honestly. Will have to play with it some more and see what comes out.
Apparently we're going to Hawaii in July? Maybe? That could be interesting, will have to see what comes of that. Have never been, and it's something I've always wanted to do.
I'm wondering what to do with myself, so I'm curious. If you read this and don't mind, post a comment with a brief description of a schedule of a typical day, and some of the things you usually fill the day with. Sometimes I feel like I have so little time, and I wonder how much of that is because I waste time doing stupid things. I think sometimes about changing my life, but I'm not sure what I'd like to do differently. Meh.
If you're not comfortable posting your schedule publicly, can send it to me in a PM, e-mail, or leave a comment asking for me to screen and I will.