Apr 19, 2004 10:28

ok so i admit i got bored and stole this from Jessie's journal

[[ PAST ]]
First grade teacher's name: Mrs. Taylor? i think or was that second
Last word you said: Alarm (preceded by an interjection)
Last song you sang: Journey - Welcome to Atlanta (remix)
Last person you hugged: Jasmine
Last thing you laughed at: something Ciji said...well one of the things she said
Last time you said I dont fucking remember: right now!!!
Last time you cried: whenever i saw the Passion of the Christ movie....but let's keep that between us...don't wanna hurt my street cred and all :)

[[[ PRESENT ]]]
What's in your CD player: Evanescence - Fallen
What color socks are you wearing: Red Jordans
What's under your bed: a death trap
What time did you wake up today: define today...
Current taste: cappucino residue
Current hair: my hair needing to be cut
Current clothes: Phat Classics, my rediculously expensive Armani Xchange jeans and underarmor oddly enough
Current annoyance: Roommate's fucking alarm....yes i used an INTERJECTION again...i'm just your regular potty mouth i guess
Current longing: FOOD
Current desktop picture: some random overly blown tiny picture i found on msn
Current worry: Finding the stupid key to the photolab...and just life in general....where am i going...what will i be doing in say a year
Current hate: that stupid alarm that's still going off
Current favorite article of clothing: My REDICULOUSLY expensive jeans that i just mentioned
Favorite physical feature of the opposite sex: tall with a nice smile does it for me
Last CD that you listened to: Usher - Confessionals
Favorite place to be: Central Park
Least favorite place: Calc class...which sadly i'll be in in about a half hour
Time you wake up in the morning: i go to sleep in the question
If you could play an instrument, what would it be?: the GUI-TARR
Favorite color: Navy Blue and Black (Duke colors)
Do you believe in an afterlife: show me proof and i'll be a believer
How tall are you: 6'6".
Current favorite word/saying: Schei
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