One a day while AC is away

Oct 17, 2006 13:56

Frak(aka ward 54) and Nykh are doing one a day. (Thoth Card that is). It's a not be board and use tribe endever. Plus it's knowledge.
Here is the scoop so far. Feel free to chime in.

Here's some info I found from Paul Barrows site

It's interesting because It would be wise, I suppose to think about how the paths (atu) are an unfolding process from the Sephira they connect.

But.. does this thinking process work?
My thoughts.. scrambled though they may be.

The fool contains symbolism that relates to the unfolding from the negative veils of existence (the ring of colors issuing from around the heart of the motley and around the border.

What of Dionysus the hidden god of folly that is really the nothing and all?

What's with the triple flower symbolism and the children under the fool's "sun" (phallus)
My thinking is that these symbols are a graphic representing the unfolding process beginning at the fool's journey down to the Universe. This is the process of 0 unfolding.


Fool = 0

The 0 of the Tree of life. Ain etc.etc.

The fool must set out upon a path because 0 can not know it self, not self defining. It must have something to compare it self to, and something to acknowledge its existence. Hence it is on path 11 kether to chokmah, the first path; by taking this path it can start to be defined. Also if one conciders the lightning flash, the first, zap of the flash is also kether to chokmah. This I feel is important, the flash of creation down the tree, also the reverse path would be the path to enlightenment, that is, path working from malkuth to kether. But wait, just as soon as the paths are completed the last step is the fool, to remind one that they are always on a path, as soon has you have enlightenment, it just opens more questions. The flash of understanding followed by more questions. A fool rushing head first in to unknown territory, hence the ox or aleph
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