(no subject)

Apr 03, 2009 15:23

1.Last Beverage→ pineapple juice
2.Last Phone Call→ My uncle
3. Last Text Message→ drama teacher
4. Last Song You Listened To→ I write sins not tragedies - Panic at the disco
5. Last Time You Cried→ this afternoon

6. Dated Someone Twice → no
7. Been Cheated On? → no
9. Lost Someone Special?→ yes
10. Been Depressed?→ yeah
11. Been Drunk?→ not yet

12. red
13. green
14. black

15. Made New Friends → no
16. Fallen Out Of Love → no
17. Laughed Until You Cried → no
18. Met Someone Who Changed You→ no
19. Found Out Who Your True Friends Are → last year
20. Found Out Someone Was Talking About You→ yeah, there are rumours at school
21. Kissed Anyone On Your Friends List→ no
22. How Many People On Your Friends List Do You Know In Real Life → 3
23. How Many Kids Do You Want To Have→ not decided
24. Do You Have Any Pets → no
25. Do You Want To Change Your Name→ nah
26. What Did You Do For Your Last Birthday→ party at ma house
27. What Time Did You Wake Up Today → 7:10am even tho its the hols
28. What Were You Doing At Midnight Last Night→ sleep
29. Name Something You Are Looking Forward To → John Barrowman concert
30. Last Time You Saw Your Mother → this morning b4 she went 2 work
31. What Is One Thing You Wish You Could Change About Your Life → no exams
32. What Are You Listening To Right Now → Panic at the disco
33. Have You Ever Talked To A Person Named Tom → yes
34. What's Getting On Your Nerves Right Now? → my sister
36. Whats Your Real Name → Jennifer
37. Relationship Status → single
38. Zodiac Sign → gemini
39. Male Or Female→ female
40. Primary School→ man high
41. Secondary School → man high
42. College→ man high..
43. Hair Color → black
44. Long Or Short → short
45. Height → above avg.
46. Do You Have A Crush On Someone? → not at the mo
47. What Do You Like About Yourself? → eyes
48. Piercings → ears
49. Tattoos → None
50. Righty Or Lefty → right

51. First Surgery → none
52. First Piercing - ears
53. First Tattoo → none
54. First Best Friend - can't remember that far back
55. First Sport You Joined → Swimming

56. First Pet → Cat
57. First Earliest Memory → setting a disabled alarm off in a toilet instead of turning on the light
58. First Concert → Cliff Richard
59. First Crush →
60. First Alcohol Drink → dunno probs beer - yuck

61. Eating → nothing
62. Drinking → nout
63. I'm About To → die of boredem
64. Listening To → panic at the disco I swear I already answered this
65. Waiting For → mum 2 cum home

66. Want Kids? → dunno.
67. Want To Get Married?→ suppose.
68. Careers In Mind? → not really

WHICH IS BETTER WITH THE OPPOSITE SEX? srsly this quiz just assumes that you like the opposite sex.... i'm therefore just going to ignore this section
69. Lips Or Eyes →
70. Hugs Or Kisses →
71. Shorter Or Taller →
72. Older or Younger →
73. Romantic Or Spontaneous →
74. Nice Stomach Or Nice Arms →
75. Tattoos Or Piercings →
76. Sensitive Or Loud →
77. Hook-up Or Relationship →
78. Trouble Maker Or Hesitant →

79. Kissed A Stranger → No
80. Drank Hard Liquor → yes
81. Lost Glasses/Contacts → yes.
82. Sex On First Date? → try asking if i've been on a date first
83. Broken Someone's Heart → not that I know of
84. Had Your Own Heart Broken → no
85. Been Arrested? → no
86. Turned Someone Down → yes
87. Cried When Someone Died → yes - to be honest I even cry when people 'die' on tv

88. Liked A Friend That Is A Girl? → yes (so over it tho now)

89. Yourself → sometimes, othertimes I doubt that any of us exist
90. Miracles → no
91. Love At First Sight → yeah
92. Heaven → nope
93. Santa Claus → did once

94. Kissing On The First Date? → yeah

95. Angels → no

96. Is There One Person You Want To Be With Right Now? → no
97. Had More Than One Boyfriend At One Time? → no (and i'm not even going to have a one boyfriend at anytime)
98. Do You Believe Its Possible To Remain Faithful Forever?→ no
99. What's The One Thing You Cannot Live Without? → oxygen


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