Or, Me and My Machine
It’s been an adjustment, sleeping with the BIPAP machine. More to the point, it’s been, fiddle the mask, adjust the strap, tighten up here, loosen up here. But on the whole I am sleeping better, as this lovely picture indicates. Eight hours on Thursday. Nine hours on Friday. Three last night. OK. So it's not perfect!
This has also meant that I have had more energy for whatever it is that I do these days. Believe it or not, it works better when I turn it on on full blast and just start from there, instead of the tease of "ramping it up" which just makes me feel like I can't breathe anyway.
The patient is resting comfortably and sleepin' real good.
Actually I’ve been writing a bit here and there. There are some recent reviews on Superconductor and some badly needed personal writing that I am taking a daily hack at. Progress is slow but then again it’s progress. Anyway I am doing this particular project more as a personal challenge-if I want to publish it I can always tweak it later.
The Night Owls are currently losing by 19 points but I pulled an incredible football trade this last weekend, sending a journeyman quarterback (J. T. O’Sullivan), a cornerback and a rookie running back to another team in exchange for some guy named Peyton Manning. I hope it works out to my favor tomorrow night. I’ll find out later-my lady-love and I will be attending the opera!
Oh yeah, and I’m getting psyched for BR. See some of you there!
All for now
The Opera Owl