Breaking the Silence: DOWF '08

Mar 25, 2008 14:47

We just got back from having a a really nice weekend at Dark Odyssey down in DC. Got to meet some new people, re-unite with some cool people from my past, and relax without running to too many workshops. OK fine. I didn't go to ANY but they sounded like they'd be really cool.

Got in Thursday and after some self-debate, took self to see "The Flying Dutchman" at the Washington National Opera, followed by a visit to Shelley's Back Room, my favorite among cigar bars.

My other half got in Friday afternoon and we spent that day hanging out with c4bl3fl4m3 and going to Legal Seafoods for Good Friday dinner. Then we headed back to the hotel, and I wound up playing with ZtZ in the hurricane fence cage, aided and abetted by the greengirl. Afterwards, she won the Owl Massaging contest. We then went up to sleep but I wasn't tired, so I went back down and chilled with PyroSadist and my camp family.

Saturday kind of followed a similar pattern, I spent a lot of time chilling around the vending area cos I knew I'd need my energy for that night. Had a lovely afternoon pickup scene with one of my favorite play partners who discovered that she really doesn't like singletail, but liked the fact that she's now done it for the first time. Switched to saps and the rest of the play was good.

Took anistastia up to America at Union Station for her surprise party. The company far outweighed the pricey, mediocre (dis)comfort food. Afterwards, cake and giggling in their room. But at playtime, greengirl wasn't feeling quite the ticket. She went up to the room and I brought my cane bag down. Hopeful. Hope paid off and I got to play with a new partner. We had a nice time and I hope we'll do it again at campity camp campcamp.

From the Totally Unexpected (but awesome) pile, on Sunday after the greengirl had gone home, I smartmouthed myself into a delicious bottoming/boots moment courtesy of Queen Gorgo. Went to dinner at the Cap City Brewing Company (who have improved their menu radically). Once digested, I was able to wrap up the whole weekend with caning and cuddling between me and ZtZ. The whole weekend had a nice vibe about it, not too "cruise ship" and with a feeling that you could do whatever the hell you wanted when you wanted--the camp vibe transferred into a major metropolitan hotel.

The trip back was hell. I had the wrong Amtrak tickets, a cabdriver who felt like he wanted to either scam me, kidnap me, or steal my luggage. Needless to say, I changed cabs. Finally got home around 4:30pm, exhausted. Am still tired but recovering. That's all I want to say right now because of my current energy levels-which are low and recuperating from the event.

sm, scene, adult, caning, play, kink, event, dark odyssey

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