Oct 26, 2009 17:45
I couldn't seem to find it in me to post over the weekend, but overall last week was exhausting. I had clinical from M-F; and at some point Button has gotten really strange with her sleep, she doesn't actually wake up in the night but has begun thrashing. So, overall it was very tiring.
In A&P we spent the whole week learning the Muscle System, the test was today and actually I think it went very well. I got a test back from Mrs. Jones from last Wednesday and that went phenomenally, I only missed one question which was a very stupid mistake and I can't think about it anymore.
In Skills we did a brief Nutrition chapter, but she didn't cover too much because Mrs. Dupee will be doing a whole Unit on it. November is Good Nutrition Month as well as National Novel Writer's Month. I plan to accomplish a lot this coming November, including continuing yoga everyday which I started earlier this month. I've missed two days, but other than that I've managed to keep pretty good momentum.
On Wednesday last wk Kevin and I had a court date for medical reimbursement, but it was thrown out basically as soon as the Judge saw it. And Thursday evening Brittany stopped by for a visit, and hopefully she and I will be getting together sometime this week during lunch.
For those of you who get prints made from a digital camera, where are you going?
nursing school