Jan 15, 2009 18:25
Manymanymanymany things.
I have exactly one module to do for my psych class and I'm finished. This doesn't mean much, other than that I don't have to waste a semester on a 100 class, which is getting frustrating. The book makes me want to vomit, I feel like I'm being patronized every time I open it. Unfortunately, this means that I've been using wikipedia instead of the text. Really, the text is that vomitous, I'm just glad I borrowed it instead of buying it.
On a humorous note, I made Dean's List. If you know what kind of student I am you'd be as amused as I was when I received the letter. It makes me hopeful about easy acceptance into a Nursing Program. <3
On New Year's Eve Nicole came and visited, then went up to Canada, on the 2nd Marc came down from Canada to visit. I wasn't a particularly interesting host on either occasion, but I enjoyed being in the company of people I usually only see through the other side of text box. It's a shame the two didn't coincide timing wise, because I think they would've really been interesting to listen to.
And that's mostly what I'm doing lately, listening. My own thoughts are caught up in the factory between my ears, and having a very hard time coming out. I'm slightly more angry than usual and haven't quite been able to articulate it (or anything else.) I have been sketching regularly which is perhaps where all my bark has gone.
On a random search last night I was looking at property in Newfoundland, CA. [I want to go home. I want to go home. I want to go home.]
Then while checking to see what sort of degree I would need to functionally work as a nurse in CA I found I'd need at least a BS. Which is thoroughly, whatever it is and then some. (timeconsuming)