pangie pointed out to me that in my last post it sounded like I was talking about my user info page. No, I wasn't trying to say that I updated my user page. Heck, I haven't updated that dumb thing since I moved back to St. Louis. :) I meant the layout of my journal. That's the thing that no one else sees. As for not updating my user info since the Mesozoic Age, that's kind of on purpose, I imagine, because I've been realizing over the past couple of weeks how private a person I am. I was having a conversation with a neighbor/good friend of ours that made me realize how few people have ever been in our apartment. Now, I'm not talking about maintenence men or anything like that...I'm talking about friends and acquaintences...people who we get along with or like. I'm pretty sure it's under twenty different people TOTAL.
That's in four years, by the way.
Some of you may think it's weird that I could have such a public vocation when Michelle and I are such introverts. Frankly, I'm not sure either, but it keeps working out. :) But I'm now at the point where I'm really a public figure. To put it bluntly, I have a big-boy position and a big-boy title to boot. I even got to the point last weekend where I ran into a couple of my students at a local music festival. That was...odd, I guess. So it's strange enough to have the possiblity of being this known. In fact, I'm probably going to have to friends-only this journal in the next few weeks just because of it. I don't think I ever write anything too scandalous here (frankly, I'm really boring), but I'd rather be too careful and be able to tell the truth rather than leave everything open and censor myself.
I'm also finding that I'm either very tired right now or suffering from a sudden and inexplicable case of dyslexia right now, so I should wrap it up. :P Oh well...more tomorrow, I imagine. I have to go to an early-morning meaning at work where I'm essentially going to download everything I can from one of the guys who's leaving the school in a week so I might be a bit less ignorant than I am today. :)