
Jun 03, 2008 17:51

I haven't posted in a while but things have been going alright. I don't like not having internets but you know it gives me more time to work on things. I am done with work but still here posting this for all to see.

I helped carpe_jugulum send the rest of her things to Seattle today. She left this afternoon to make her next step in life to a (and I quote)"bigger fishbowl." I will miss her the last few weeks have been fun hanging out with her and helping pack a few things. I should have done the hanging out part sooner but you know how life is just as soon as you have the time something else fills it up. I wish her all the best luck in the world.

My part-time job search has come up with nothing. I don't want to work for a fast food place because I already do customer service here at my full-time job. So I have been looking at other nigh time things such as maybe a night auditor at a hotel or a night security job somewhere. I just need to make a little more and I will be alright financially.

I have some interest in the goggles that I made but I am not sure what charge for them if I do start producing them. I will have to work out the price of materials and how long it takes to make them, then go from there. I have been thinking about starting an etsy store for my wares but I am not sure how that will work out with no internets.

In other news my Dad had some skin cancer removed yesterday from his back and shoulders. It was the kind you get from too much sun exposure. I think I may need to watch out for this because of the whole working days thing now. I need to find a good sunblock that doesn't smell too bad but when I looked the other day, well I am not sure what SPF to get, any ideas?

Well I should sign off now I don't want to take advantage of the little use of the internets here at work. I hope everyone is well and has a good evening.

dad, life, work

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