WARNING: sick liberal is loose

Jan 27, 2004 16:55


my drugs are so cooooooool . . . these big ass horse pills that are pink and red for Valentine's Day . . . oh so sweet . . . hey, they are the closest thing i'll get to receiving a Valentine . . . and no Carolyn you can't have any . . . all MINE!!! . . . i'm not sharing . . . three a day for ten days . . . one with every meal . . . how could you go wrong . . . now i can get in my practice for when i'm old and i need to take pills for everything from keeping my heart pumping to going to the bathroom . . . oh yeah . . . that's the kind of life i'm looking forward to . . . ok . . . enough about me . . . moving on

Bush rant . . .

get your goddamn dick out of your ass and let the fucking gays marry you dimshit . . . goddamn NANNY IN CHEIF . . . i don't give a fuck about steroids . . . i know that may surprise you . . . but i don't really care too much if sports are "fair" . . . hell its a freakin' game . . . i watch sports to be entertained, . . . not for a goddamn moral lesson . . . i'll tell you what i do care about . . . i care about the fucking economy . . . i'd like to know what kind of crops the government has been growing b/c last time i checked, money doesn't grow on trees . . . i'm telling you if there's anything i just love doing, it's paying other people's bills . . . 2030 here comes my money . . . and another thing . . . i'm so glad we are sacraficing the environment for our SUV's that get one mile per gallon and you know i just need my cheeseburger to be in a non-biodegradable styrafoam container . . . it just doesn't taste the same without it . . . yes on with the death penalty for murders, . . . but i will rest easy as long as environmental criminals go unpunished and we continue to show sympathy for the poor suffering CEO's of this country . . . and believe it or not, but i am over this fucking terrorism shit . . . yes September 11th was a great tragedy . . . but get fucking over it man . . . i say the solution to preventing people from hating us for interfering and imposing our will on others is to interfere with those that hate us and impose our will on them . . . oh yeah . . . lets go . . . oh TERRORISM . . . ahhhh . . . what a threat . . . i'm peeing in my pants right now . . . at night i'm not thinking, oh i better lock the doors b/c some syco who is basically handed a gun nowadays might break in . . . no . . . i'm thinking . . . ah big Iraq man in sky might get mad at my house and decide to drive plane into it . . . jesus christ people . . . this war on terrorism is no more than a little spoiled child buying the people's approval by scaring them . . . we don't need a goddman war on terrorism . . . and you want to know why . . . 'cause we got the bombs, that's why . . . TWO WORDS . . . Nuclear Fucking Weapons

Campaign 2004 --- anyone that can count to ten
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