Last night: Borders meet and Bi Underground (a bisexual pub meet for those of you not in the know). I was really shy at Borders for a few minutes then settled down to smal-talk etc. It was nice (I don't often use that word, but my brain is slow this morning due to overloading). At Bi Underground (more people), I was shaky for around 20 minutes but talking to people was easy after that. I got a christmas card from
vicki_t_veg and chatted with a number of people I know. I met someone whose face/name I had completely forgotten; I had talked to her for 2 hours at Rio's.
This morning: Counselling at the post-adoption centre where I discussed a letter I am going to send to my daughter. (My daugter was 4 years old when she was taken away from me legally. She was adopted because I had a breakdown that just wasn't getting any better, and I was unable to cope.)
Dear Alex,
I hope all is going well with you. I've read the letters your mum writes, and it sounds like you are having a lot of fun.
I bought a computer a few months ago (my first one), and I really enjoy typing on it and using the internet. I have some music stored on my computer (my favourite band is The Beatles even though I was born five years after they split up). I like music a lot. Earlier this year I went to guitar lessons, and am now practising what I have learnt plus learning new songs from books and the internet; I have been playing for nearly a year now. Having piano lessons as a child helped me to learn faster. I also really like singing, and most people seem to like my voice!
I used to be a Brownie like you. I'm sure you're having fun with that. I loved swimming when I was a child; my dad used to take me for extra lessons and all our holidays were by the sea (North Wales, South Wales, Cornwall and Devon).
Is pink still a major part of your wardrobe? I have a lot of black clothes, but also like purple and rainbow.
Living in central London is a lot of fun, though I imagine that a lot of people find it too busy. Oxford Street becomes a nightmare around christmas time; so many people shop there and get annoyed with each other.
I've enclosed some pictures to sum up my life.
With this letter, I send happy thoughts to you
:-) Helen
What do you think? I'm not allowed to be to emotive or call myself mummy.