Mar 23, 2010 23:43
- I paid a small amount of rent that I've owed for a couple of years. It was a housing benefit SNAFU, but I couldn't convince the HB people that they owed the money.
- I re-cycled two bags of electrical stuff. One of the bags was full of odd bits of computer cables and several modems.
- I bought a fair few things from Sportsworld/Sport Direct. The Oxford Street branch near TCR is closing down, and has significant bargains. There's more than just sportswear there, I'd recommend taking a look. And many sizes from XS to XXL! I bought some purple swim shorts and black workout gear in various sizes.
- I had a session with my former personal trainer. He'd been at another gym for a few months and had returned. It was a delight to see him again :-) I am now in the 'advanced' category at the gym :D
- I used the motherf*cking men's changing rooms for the first time ever, w000t! I didn't get changed, just used the locker. But trans milestone alert. Bounce! Nothing bad happened. Nobody told me off.
- I went for a little walk in the dark and rain, wearing my new workout gear. It was all cosy and nice.
- I'm really enjoying my body at the moment. I feel so strong and fit, and I like how easy it is to move around.
- I'm also enjoying being not depressed :D
What's your good stuff?