
Mar 29, 2008 16:36

Long meme, takes bloody ages.

Do you like strawberries? Yes, but only when they are in season. Out of season strawberries taste of little.

Who was your first best friend? Melanie Gildart. I wonder what happened to her? She's probably still living in Wigan and I can't really imagine her using the Internet.

Have you seen The Notebook over a million times? Not once.

Laptop or PC? Hard to choose, but if I really had to choose it'd be laptop.

Did you ever see the Sound of Music? Yeah, loads of times. I even have the sheet music for it ;-)

Do you like hip hop or rock better? Rock. I question my strong dislike for hip hop actually, I think it has an edge of racism to it. There is good music in almost all genres though.

Do you believe in God? Nope. I can suspend my disbelief for the gods of the discworld, that's about as close as I get to belief in such things.

Have you ever smashed your head against a pole and/or wall? Yes, quite a few times. It hurts. Don't try this at home kids.

Have you ever been on a plane? Yes.

Were you ever in a play? I don't think so.

Have you ever seen Stand by Me? Yeah, and I own it.

Have you ever seen the movie Rent? Not yet, but I intend to see it.

Do you listen to music regularly? I listen to music irregularly and often :p

Did you ever have braces? No.

Did you ever ride a horse and/or donkey before? One of each. The donkey on Blackpool beach bolted with me still on it, the horse at a summer fair threw me after a few seconds.

Have you ever licked the spine of a book? Now I have! And it was a library book too. Germy.

Have you sat in a photo booth and just hung out without taking a picture? No, but I have used the mirror in passing.

Have you ever seen someone you knew and purposely avoided seeing them? Yeah, a few times.

When you see the abbreviation, "rofl", do you say it aloud in your head as, "rawful"? No. With abbreviations I always say the full phrase in my head; with commonly abbreviated words I say the abbreviation in my head.

Are you friends with your best friend's significant other? Heh. I think my best friend is my girlfriend, and I am her significant other, so I'm friends with myself (I hope I am anyway). I have a date with her girlfriend, so I'm at least friends with her too! Heh.

How did you dress in middle school? If that is somewhere between 11 and 16, then a horrible brown uniform.

If you were one of the Seven Dwarfs, which one would you be? Doc.

Have you ever flown first class? No.

Would you rather surf in California or ski in Vermont? I'd rather surf in South Wales :p

What is one topping you MUST have on your pizza? There is no must. Not even cheese or tomato is a must; I can be flexible with food.

Do you prefer to read fiction or non-fiction books? Fiction. I read 80/20 fiction/non-fiction.

Would you rather read books or magazines? Books.

Have you ever seen a shooting star? No.

Have you ever torn your trousers in public? I imagine so, I used to wear jeans that were already torn and tended to tear more. (Oh, the 80s.)

Do you know the difference between a conjunction and an adjective? Only vaguely. I know exactly what an adjective is. And I have studied English at 2nd year degree level!

How many times a day do you brush your teeth? Not enough. I used to have lots of guilt/fear that would make me clean them, now I've lost that. I must regain the guilt!!

Do you chew on ice? Occasionally.

Do you watch TV or read before bedtime? I read myself to sleep every night unless I am sleeping with someone who wants the light off.

Are you allergic to anything? Cigarette smoke gives me asthma. I am intolerant to a few things. It's about quantity. I can't handle dust in large quantities (couldn't work in the clothes-sorting section of a charity shop) - I get asthma attacks. I can eat wheat in moderation, but if it was to be the main carb source for three meals I would be bloated and farty. Soya I can only consume in small quantities, otherwise my farts get really stinky and ever-present.

How many times a week do you wash your hair? Twice, maybe. Less if I have a skinhead. I get a spotty head :/

Do you own any tartan trousers? No, and I would only want them if I had skinny legs. I'm not likely to have skinny legs, they're going to be either muscly and fat or muscly.

Have you ever been in a natural disaster (flood, hurricane, etc.)? No.

Have you ever had food SO bad in a restaurant that you sent it back? Not yet.

Do you sleep in pajamas? No, I find them hard to get hold of in my size. I wear jogging bottoms in bed sometimes though, but I usually just sleep in a t-shirt.

Do you talk in your sleep? Occasionally, I imagine.

Have you ever swallowed your gum? Yes, once.

Where is the most inappropriate place your cell phone has rang? On the toilet.

Have you ever gone white water rafting? No. NO.

Have you ever faked sick? Probably when I was young.

How many times have you broken a bone? Once.

Have you ever had anyone tell you that your fly was open? I don't think so, but I wish people would! My main trousers that I wear have a dodgy fly and they keep coming undone. My secondary trousers are even worse!

Have you ever successfully pogoed on a pogo stick? Yeah, when I was 10 or something.

Do you eat breakfast? Usually.

Can you pick things up with your toes? Yes :-) I was taught how to do this to develop my arches.

How many foreign countries have you visited? Three, four if you count when we landed in Switzerland to get to a ski resort in France.

Would you rather clean the bathroom or the kitchen? Kitchen.

What is your favourite breed of dog? Mongrel.

Have you ever eaten frog legs? No, but I'd like to try. I want to try escargot more though.

Your absolute favourite shirt is dirty. Would you still wear it? Totally. I wear dirty clothes a lot.

Have you ever put your tongue on a frozen pole? No.

Have you ever blown bubbles in your milk? Yes.

What did you call your baby blanket? I don't know if I had that habit.

Have you ever worn bell-bottoms? No.

Can you read while travelling without getting sick? Yes.

What is a noise that you cannot stand? Tinny music that escapes from crappy earphones/mobile phones on public transport.

Do you know how to do a cart-wheel? I know *how* to.

What is the most you are willing to spend on a pair of sunglasses? Hm, I had a buy one get one free with my glasses/prescription sunglasses. They weren't cheap though.

Does your mum vacuum early in the morning while you're asleep? Does my *who* do *what*? I don't live with my dead mother, lol.

Do you take pills of any sort? Yes. Sodium Valporate, Risperidone (as required), painkillers when in pain, anti-histamines in late summer, all kinds of OTC medication when I experience various kinds of uncomfortable/embarrassing things.

Do you plug your nose when swimming under water? No, but I want to get some for breathplay purposes.

What was your elementary school called? St Bernadette's Primary School, then Millbrook Primary School.

Do you maintain any friendships originating from elementary school? Nope.

What is your most favourite word of all time? I haven't got one. I like the word 'gosh,' but I don't know if I'll always like it.

Do gothic people scare you? Lol, no. Non-goths are more likely to scare me ;-)

What kind of relationship do you have with your dad? Sore subject. He's scared of me because of my mental health problems, I resent him for telling me he loves me but not allowing me in his life. Fcuk him.

Would you forgive a friend for telling your biggest secret? If it's *that*, then... it depends how people reacted to it.

Is there anyone you like? Lots of people! Life is fun, eh.

Do you like the colour orange? Only if it's day-glo or a fruit/vegetable.

Do you find it in your heart to forgive? Meh, depends. If someone goes on and on repeating the behaviour (like my dad), then no.

Last thing you cooked? Mystery freezer meat curry and brown rice.

Are you in a good mood? Pretty good, yeah. Yikes! It's after 3pm and I'm still in bed! I'm sitting up though and have breakfasted. Better get dressed and have lunch soon!

What is your star sign? Refuse to answer, it's a load of bollocks.

Do you believe in luck? I believe in chance. That's going to be made up of good, bad and neutral luck! I suppose that's a no then.

Last person who told you your problems were going to be okay? Last person I punched?! j/k

Do you have more or less than five real best friends? I am not 12.

Be honest, do you like people in general? No. I love everyone though.

What are you doing this weekend? I have no plans, apart from to buy some toilet roll. How exciting!

What do you think about? Sex. How I'm not going to change the world because people are selfish and the next generations are doomed. Sex. Things that make me anxious. Ways to cope with my problems.

Sometimes, do you wish you were someone else? Nah. I'd just have somebody else's problems!

Got any nicknames? No.

Do you like Starbucks? Guiltily, yes.

Are you named after anyone? Yes!

Are you taller than 5'6“? No, but at 5'5" I'm pretty happy.

What is your background on your phone? Who cares?

Which is more powerful: actions or words? Depends on the action. If it involves nuclear weapons, then actions!

What are a few false perceptions you think people have about you? That I had a baby adopted rather than a child. Stop assuming that people. She was four years old. That I want to be more masculine than I already am. Stop it. I'm masculine enough tyvm!

What is the greatest lesson a friend has taught you? I tend to learn by my own mistakes, and BBC Radio 4.

Who taught you how to ride a bike, and when? My dad, gradually. I can't remember when the stabilisers came off.

All right, so have you ever actually sat down and thought about why you like the person you like? Yeah.

When people say, "Honestly, I don't think I've ever talked shit about anyone" do you think it's possible? People lie.

How do you feel about gay marriage? I think that there should be gay/bi marriage. I think there should be a possiblity of straight civil partnerships if you're going to have gay/bi ones. I don't know what I feel about multi-partner marriage/civil partnership.

Is there someone you'd really like to hang out with and just talk about stuff? Yeah, quite a few.

Is there something that has happened in your past that you don't like talking about? I don't like talking about the rejection by my family, but that's an ongoing thing. I talk about it sometimes, but I hate it when strangers casually ask me about my family.

Do you think a lot of people think bad things about you? A couple of handfuls, if they all remember me.

Do you think you're approachable? I try not to be when I'm out in the street, but when I'm actually trying to socialise I think I'm semi-approachable. People who know of me are wary of setting off a panic attack in me.

Do you regret doing anything this week? No.

Name something you wouldn't want to buy that's been used. Briefs.

When did you last cry? Yesterday, watching a chick flick :D

How late did you stay up last night? 1am

Has someone of the opposite sex ever told you they loved you? Both sexes have when I was IDing as female, both sexes have when I was IDing as male. Go me!

What do you think of the most when you are alone? Sex.

Would you ever become a vegetarian or even vegan? I've been both. I don't think I want to go back until I've fixed my binge eating disorder; I binge on what I don't allow myself, so I try and allow myself everything.

What do you think of people who hate vegetarians? They are stupid. Man, why hate vegetarians? Cos they're different? Idiots.

Are you a flirt? Most of the flirting I do unintentionally. I'm usually too self-conscious to flirt; I do be direct about whether I fancy someone or intend to ask them on a date or whatever.

Would you rather have jet black hair or cherry red hair? Black. Black as my soul. *sniggers*

Do you make sexual innuendos about everything? Sometimes.

Have you ever held hands? Yes.

If you need a new pair of jeans, what store do you go to first? An online store that caters to fat men.

Have you ever got upset because somebody said they'd call you and they didn't? Not that I can recall.

Have you ever met a real life prostitute? Yes, and then some. Ask me if you want more details.

Can you do push-ups? Yes, but it's hard for me to do full ones. I do ones on my knees mostly; I started doing ones standing and pushing myself off the wall.

Do you have a car? No. Cars kill: kill cars.

Where's your dad right now? Who knows? Fcuk him.

Are you single? No, but I'm available :-)

What's your favourite animal? Dog

Favourite football team? Arsenal Ladies

What colour are your eyes? Blue, gorgeous blue :D

Where is your phone? Mobile is on the bed next to me, landline phone is in the living room on a shelf.

What's your biggest fear? Social rejection.

Does your family get family portraits done?

Are you mad at anyone? My dad, after all these questions about him!

Do you have a best friend that knows you inside and out? Not totally. My girlfriend keeps underestimating me, and that irritates me.

Can you cook harder things than spaghetti, pancakes, and macaroni and cheese? Yes :D

What's your favourite time of year? Winter after the holidays have ended. It would be kind of nice if it were always winter and never Christmas.

Do you know a lot about cars? Probably enough to stop one working.

What is your favourite childhood board game? Scrabble, and it's for adults too! I liked Monopoly more when I was a kid though.

Do you change best friends a lot? Again, I'm not 12.

Do you think that you’re a good person? I am good and bad.

Do people underestimate you? Yes, but they also overestimate me.

What is the background on your computer? The world.

Does everyone in your life know the real you? They know what I show them. Most people haven't seen me at my worst, but what is the real me? We all have a facade.

Who was the last person to hug you? Probably aster13

Beach or Mountains? Beach, but for swimming near not lying on.

Does someone love you? Yes.

Is your birthday on a holiday? No, but it's very near to Summer Solstice.

Do you vote? Yes.

Do you have any friends or family in the war right now? People I know are more likely to be anti-war protesters.

Life... How do you feel about it? Life. Don't talk to me about life.

Coffee or Tea? Both, and all kinds, but not all at once.

Have you ever been in love? Yes, not many times though.

Do you talk to yourself? I have whole conversations with myself. I talk to myself in public. I like talking to myself.

Have you lived up to your parents' expectations? Hah. HAHAHAHAH. University drop-out, ex-unwed mother, ex-mother, transsexual, ex-homeless, mentally ill, unemployed... hahahaha.

Are we more likely to find you in a coffee bar or a nightclub? Coffee bar.

Has anyone ever told you that you would make a good stand up comedian? No!! I tell terrible jokes, but I like them. I'm crap at anecdotes using the spoken word.

What colour is your couch? Red.

Has anyone ever mistaken you for a family member? Yeah, my great aunt mistook me for my mother when I was a ten-year-old tomboy. That was disturbing! She was senile.

Do/Did you want to go back to school? You mean uni, right? I sort of want to, but don't have the motivation. I'd need a lot of support.

What was your grade 6 teachers name? What is grade 6?

Have you ever tried Propel Calcium Water? No. I get enough calcium in my diet through dairy and green leafy veg.

Has anyone ever told you to your face what they truly think about you? Yeah.

What colour is the cloth/sponge you use in the shower/bath? I use my hands or the shower head upturned. Mm, you're picturing that now aren't you?!

Would you rather have a tarantula or a python as a pet? Python.

Do you actually enjoy reading? Fcuk yeah!!!

Have you ever heard of Newfoundland? Yes.

What is the worst thing you've ever said to a teacher? 'I forgot.' x 400

What's the best book you've ever read for school? A Tale Of Two Cities by Charles Dickens.

Is there anybody you just wish would fall off the planet? No.

How do you flush the toilet in public washrooms? It depends what the mechanism is!!

Do you wear your seatbelt in the car? Clunk click every trip.

Do you have a crush on someone? At least a couple, one of which is growing. (I define crush and fancy differently.)

Name one thing you worry about running out of? Medication.

What famous person do you (or other people) think you resemble? I don't think I resemble a famous person. Do you?

What is your favourite pizza topping? Jalapeno peppers.

Do you crack your knuckles? No

What song do you hate the most? Er...

Did just mentioning that song make it get stuck in your head? No, cos er...

What are your super powers? They are secret ;-)

Peppermint or spearmint? Yuck.

Where are your car keys? In your polluted imagination.

What's your most annoying habit? Announcing my farts. Sorry flippac!

Where did you last go on vacation? If BiCon counts, last summer.

What is your best physical feature? I am so cute! How do I pick something?! (I am being serious.) My eyes I suppose, but that's boring. I have a cute little nose, and luscious lips. Mm, I'd do me.

What CD is closest to you right now? New Boots and Panties by Ian Dury.

What 3 things can always be found in your refrigerator? If by 'always' you mean 'usually', then: half an onion, half a lemon, jar of mustard.

What superstition do you believe/practice? None.

What colour are your bed sheets? White.

Would you rather be a fish or a bird? Whatever.

Do you talk on your cell phone when you drive?

What are your favourite sayings? 'Find a penny, pick it up, all day long you'll have good luck;' 'Use, re-use, re-cycle;' 'It takes less than a minute to bag it and bin it;' '"Every little helps" the old lady said as she peed into the sea.'

What song(s) do you sing most often in the shower? I don't; it not only amplifies and sends my voice into the next flat, but also it distorts either the sound or my perception, so it sounds off key.

What is your favourite Harrison Ford movie? Now I have to look him up on imdb! What Lies Beneath

What CD is in your stereo? I don't have a stereo. The aforementioned CD was in my laptop.

How many kids do you plan on having? Never again. Never again. Never will I lose another kid to adoption.

Would you rather die in a blaze of glory or peacefully in your sleep? Blaze of glory, blaze of glory!

Can you walk around your house at night with the lights off and not run into anything? Yes.

Ever received a "why don't you write me?" No.

Ever taken your frustration/bad mood out on others? Doesn't everyone, sometimes?

Ever had a huge argument and then realized that you were wrong? I don't think so.

Ever been so dazed that you take a drink of water but completely miss your mouth? Water, beer, coffee, soup, gravy, all sorts.

Ever dropped your toothbrush in the toilet? No, but if I did I'd just clean it/sterilize it.

Can you sleep better at night or during the day? Night and day! I can be a bit of a doormouse if I let myself.

Is your favourite colour evident by the clothes you wear? Black.

Is there a movie that you can really relate to? Not really, and especially not either 'Girl, Interrupted' or 'Boys Don't Cry'

Ever found lyrics to a song that almost exactly describes you? A mood, yeah.

Ever said a word so many times in a row that it didn't even sound like a word anymore? Huh?

Was there a book series you read growing up? Plenty. The Famous Five and The Secret Seven (both by Enid Blyton) and the Narnia books are ones I can remember.

Ever written a letter to someone and weren't able to give it to them because it was so personal and detailed? Quite a few times, it's a useful exercise.

Are you able to act? No, but I probably could with effort.

Can you give public speeches without freaking out? Not a problem; nerves make me perform better.

Ever find humour in a part of a movie that no one else does? Sometimes.

Are accents a turn on? Southern Irish, Liverpool, Received Pronunciation

Do you dream more good than bad? 50/50

Can you interpret your own dreams or do you have to have someone else tell you what they think? Pretty much, yeah.

Ever regret saying something hurtful?
Usually straight away.


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