Well done:
Made appointment to register with a GP that is in my psychiatrist's catchment area
Phoned my psychiatrist's secretary (who will call me back to make an appointment)
Put load of laundry on
Did some washing up
Made banana porridge, realised had made a double portion, put some aside to cool/refrigerate/have tomorrow
*does a little well-done dance*
Have you done things that you are pleased with today? Tell me if you like. Comments screened in case it's personal.
I was reminded to write a well-done list instead of a mountain of to-do lists because I had a conversation with a cute person about the CBT-like good stuff I do.
want. (London Underground)
Circle line train set! I saw it on sale for £35-40 (can't remember) at Beaties model shop on High Holborn. (There are so many lush things in that shop.) If it's still on sale from Tuesday (payday) onwards I'm going to buy it and live on lentils for a week.
Can someone tell me the point of being 'friends' with people on last.fm? Especially with strangers who happen to have similar taste in music?