(no subject)

Sep 25, 2006 11:11

Phoebe is due back today (she's too disorganised to let me know when), but I'm still missing her lots. I am absorbing myself in housework; neither of us has done much housework in the whole of the time we've lived together.

As well as cleaning, washing up, and doing the laundry, I have also started to organise things that previously were just scattered any old place. I did five hours of housework on Saturday. It's not completed¹ yet, but I really want to try and keep on top of things from now on. It'd be great to have people be able to drop by with only a little notice without us being embarrassed at the pig sty of a place we live in. I had a box file of stuff that fell under the bed months ago, and I filed/binned/tidied it all up. My rainbow peace poster fell down the side of the sofa more than six months ago, and I've finally put it back on the wall. Underneath the sofa and bed has been hoovered!!! I am gradually removing the limescale from the toilet bowl.

I'm thinking of offering my services as a volunteer at the Feminist Library. They made a request for volunteers on some email group that foibey's part of some time ago, maybe I'd be useful. I love books, helping people, and I'm a feminist. I think doing such a thing would help me socialise more and improve my basic self-care (washing myself, wearing clean clothes that look ok). Plus, libraries are teh sex.

ETA: I went to the barbers and got this hair cut.

I love that 'new haircut' feel. I was eyeing myself in shop windows and fondling my hair all the way up Camden High Street. I bought some sensible shopping, and also a bunch of fair trade roses for foibey. I hope she likes them.

¹ Before you tell me: I know housework is a task without end.

wife, mental health, socialising, housework

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