Congradulations! you are going to marry freddie
prinze jr.!! Hes cute, loyal, funny, sweet...
what more could you ask for?
Which male celebrity are you going to marry? (14 choices now!!) brought to you by
QuizillaThats very interesting^^^
WEll I was goin to go to the beach but it rained...o well...Then I went to swim practice o boy wasnt that just alittle hard That was the longest hour and a half EVER lol ok try to do:
20x100's free
9x50's kick
5x450's free
then to top it all off
8x25's sprint kick
3x75 free sprint
Then finally a 100 cool down
The end of practice was the best thing of all lol glad thats all over with!!!
MY BIRTHDAY IS IN 4 DAYS The big 1-5 lol I dont get why my parents make such a big deal out of it but o well!!!
Well I have to go and sleep cause im tired
Peace out all...