Everyone seems to wait for a report on this, but I don't really know what to say.
There wasn't many people, I expected many more actually! But from what I could see, at least half of the audience knew Jin!^^
As for the reactions I could grasp from the audience, it was really good. It seemed to me that the movie was appreciated.
Natsu was certainly taken into good account, there have been many laughs at his stupid antics and silly faces!
During the ending I could hear other people crying (other than me of course, because I was crying a river, as always).
I'm waiting to see if there's gonna be some article on the local newspaper, if something comes out I'll gladly translate it into english.
As for a direct opinion by someone who watched it without any bias...I have my mom's, which I hope isn't stained by me corrupting her with Jin.
She liked the movie very much, she said the story was good and she liked many scenes. "As for Jin," she said "he's a great actor, I was surprised! He can actually make it big, he has talent." (this of course made me all giggly and I started boasting about the backstage of the movie)
Uhm, I can't say anything more...
Ah, right. If someone was expecting a whole review of the movie...mm, I'm actually not good at doing those.
I've already wrote down some of my impressions back when I watched it in Japan, anyway. If you don't mind some spoilers, you can find it
Expect some major fangirling over the Open Rehearsal soon. I'll listen to the recording, brace yourselves.