BPAL Sales Post

Jan 19, 2014 17:10

I seem to be overflowing with bottles I don't use, so trying to pass them on.  Some of them are rather old, and have been kept in a box under the sink.

Shipping for orders is $3, over $50 I'll cover.  International we will discuss the costs.  All bottles will be wrapped, and I have tons of frimps to get rid off.  I only listed the obvious LE Imps.  If you are buying imps please choose at least two, thank you!

Any other questions, ask.

BPAL Bottles
A Little Lunacy 2007: Milk Moon - Shoulder - $10
A Little Lunacy 2007: Hony Mone - Shoulder - $18
A Little Lunacy 2009: Berry Moon- Shoulder - $14
A Little Lunacy May 2007: Minotaur - ¼” below top of label - $12
A Little Lunacy August 2006:Harvest Moon -½” above bottom of label - $6
A Little Lunacy October 2007:Hunter Moon- Top of label - $12
Lupercalia: Love Poems 2012: The Vine- Shoulder - $18
Lupercalia: Red Lantern -Bottom of label -$4
Lupercalia 2012: Love Poems: Liasion- Top of label $18
Velvet Tiger- Shoulder -$10
Anniversary 2006: Purple Phoenix- Just below top of label =$20
Paduan Killer Bees: Durian Fruit Infused Honey with Brandy- Top of label - $20
Dark Delicacies: Pulp: Spawn of the She-Demon- Top of label -$20
Monster Bait: Ventriloquist’s Dummy- Shoulder -$20
Monarch Butterfly 2010 - Top of Label - $15
Miskatonic Valley Yuletide Faire 2009: Pet Magah Bird - ¼” below top of label -$12
Miskatonic Valley Yuletide Faire 2012:Mother Shub’s Cthulhustollen- Top of label - $16
Rappiccini’s Apiary: Redoul Honey- Shoulder -$16
Halloween 2012: Fizzy Jack O’ Lantern- Shoulder - $20
Halloween 2012:Mango Infused Pumpkin Chai Latte- Top of label - $18
The Order of the Dragon: Dr. John Seward- Shoulder - $18
LE: Aries- Top of label - $14
A Christmas Carol: The 2nd of the 3 spirits- Top of label - $18
A Christmas Carol: The 2nd of the 3 Spirits -Top of Label - $18
2011: Purple Spotted Swallowtail - ½” above bottom of label - $6
April 13th 2007 -just below shoulder - $18
Novel Ideas for Secret Amusements: Entangled- Shoulder - $18
Yuletide 2007:El dia de Reyes -half full - $10
Yuletide 2008: Butter Rum Cookie: between shoulder and top label - $16
Yuletide 2012: Sugarskull - Full - $15
The Dark Crystal: Skektek the Scientist- Shoulder - $22
Good Omens: Pepper- Top of label - $18
Pumpkin Patch 2009: Pumpkin 1: between shoulder and top label - $14
Carnival Diabolique: Aeronwen- Top of label - $14
Neil Gaiman’s Stardust: Lady Una:¼” below top of label - $14
2012:Vespertilio Proterus Khul- Top of label - $12
2008: Anactoria- Top of label - $18
2007:Luperci:- Shoulder

Fraggle Rock: Red (Dragoncon imps)- 3/4 full  - $3
Stardust:Lady Una - ½ full - $2
Yule 2010:The Soldier -½ full - $2
Paranorman: The Book (Dragoncon imps)-  full - $4
Monster Bait:Bigger Critters:½ full - $2
Novel Ideas for Secret Amusements IV:Tea -½ full - $2
Head of Holofernes:½ full - $1
Labyrinth: Jareth- ¾  full - $3
Cleopatra testing poisons on those condemned to death -¼ full - $1   
October:David Hasselhoff - ¾ full - $2
Nostrum Remedium - ¾ full - $2
Lupercalia 2011:Red Lantern -¼ full - $1
2008:Clemence -¾ full - $2

Non BPAL Bottles
Mythos Mixtures: Shar’iss- Top of label - $12
Mythos Mixtures: Saturnus -half label - $8
Heaven & Earth Essentials: Halloween 2006:Spooktacular- Shoulder - $10
Violette Market: Yuletide 2010:Seraphim:just below shoulder - $10
Nocturne Alchemy:  Sah- Top of label - $12
Nocturne Alchemy: Nokturne Crystal Bloodstone-  bottom of shoulder $12
Nocturne Alchemy: Pharaoh’s Revenge: Halloween 2008- Top of label - $13
Love Potion Perfume:Heart of Kapet: Roll on type bottle: Full - $4
Cleanse Your Soul:Wood Fragrance:roll on type bottle - Full - $4
Zomg Smells: Melomel- Shoulder - $10  (This melomel's honey was brewed with apricots into a rich tart succulence)
Blooddrop:La Duchess Haute de Nez’s Maison for Reforming Trollops, Tarts & Strumpets - Full $12

Non BPAL Imps
Nocturne Alchemy:Shezmu:Limited Edition Tomb NAlloween 2008- 3/4 full - $2
2009:Mummy’s Revenge:½ full- $1

Empties all $1 with purchase of $5 or more
A Little Lunacy 2007:Milk Moon
The Snake Pit: Australian Copperhead
Yuletide 2007: Egg Nog
Good Omens: Crowley
Yuletide 2007: Gingerbread Poppet- Empty
Love Poems: The Passionate Shepherd to his love- Empty
Yuletide 2006: Stardust- Empty

Trades - I’d be willing to consider bottles only
Gingerbread Poppet
Mother Ginger
Mother Shub's Gingerbread Temples
Nocturne Alchemy Skorpian Venon

sales, bpal

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