Design a flyer for the
VampireFreaks NYC Cult!
Grand Prize:
$100 + 1 year premium membership + get your design printed as a full-color glossy flyer.
Design must be 4X6 inches at 300 DPI. (if you don't know what 300 DPI is, do not bother entering)
Suggested software to use: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator.
Must have the cult URL in the flyer (, and preferably have imagery related to NYC.
You can put any text you wish on the flyer. A text suggestion would be something like "VampireFreaks Cult NYC -
Community for the local NYC gothic/industrial scene. Clubnights / events, meetings, and general discussion from NYC freaks. "
To enter the contest, submit your design as a comment to
this thread, but the design submitted must be downsized to no larger than 800 pixels wide / high. (keep the original 300 DPI version in case you are a winner)
March 31st, 2009
NYC Cult needs banners!
any graphic designers interested in making some banners for the
Vampirefreaks NYC Cult, would be most appreciated and you will get credit for any banners we use.
suggested banner size is 468 pixels wide X 60 pixels high, but can be any similar size.
VampireFreaks NYC Cult - Very Active NYC Community with Over 900 Members