So I thought I would share:
So I was getting my bike off the bus today and my picky got stuck on the rack thingy that holds your bike on the rack (you have to pull it out and up to place it over the wheel). It pinched it hard. I was in shock for a little while and then I looked down while I was riding away and there was blood rolling down my I started to panic. I rode my bike as fast as I could to the health center. It was throbbing and it was burning! It hurt bad. So I got in and they said they think that gluing it back together will be good enough, so I didn't need stitches! I got a tetanus shot and they bandaged me up. 2 hours later I was out. My arm hurts from the shot and my pinky still feels like it is on fire and is being pinched. The nurses and the nurse practitioner were all really nice. I think they picked up on my medical anxiety real quick...they kept telling me to breath. They were sweet. So I took the dressing off to take a few gross pictures to share.
So the purple stuff is the glue holding the skin together. There are two blisters on the side of my finger from the incident.
Also this all occurred on my right hand..I AM RIGHT HANDED! Talk about a wonderful day. Bleh