Nov 25, 2008 09:48
So I am bored in I am posting. I haven't in awhile.
Things with Ryan are going well. He is super sweet. I am slowly growing fond of him and having him around.
Things in school are wrapping up nicely. I have to ask...why is it everytime I am writing a paper for astronomy, it rains? I am finished with one test this week and have one more to go. This week is nice but next week will be hell. Irish Nutcracker time plus finals are slowly approaching plus PDA's Holiday Party is coming up. *sigh*
I am becoming super excited for next semester. One reason my schedule rocks! I am done with class no later than 145 on MWF and by 1220 TTH. I am taking:
MAT 419 - Intro to Linear Optimization
MAT 444 - Intermediate Abstract Algebra
PHY 201 - Mathematical Methods in Physics I
CSE 205 - Data Structures
Lots of math and math and math!!!! Yay! I am liking the end of this degree. So close! If only the department would offer the classes when the say they would. Oh well I am in school for the long haul so I am not super worried. I have time. This is my life :-)
Lovely I still have forever and a day left in this class. Someone shoot me. I am bored!!
Alright...I am off. I miss everyone. Also Kat, your mail has been returned to me. I am keeping it till you get back and I am hand delivering it. I am so sorry this didn't work out :-( I am excited for your return!