
Nov 22, 2004 19:54

today i went to wally world and didnt get anything... thats usually how it goes there. then i went to lakeland and got some new rollerblades at sports authority, and then went to the mall and got some christmas presents. now im home and i have a throbbing headache, but that okay! um, not really.

so i thought the friends thing was better, but it totally just got worse. its not the same situation this time, its only with one friend, but its with my best friend in the whole entire world. im not gonna put the details on here, but i will say that i want her to know (and you know who u are) that i am really sorry about the whole thing, but i will also say that i am not the only one who needs to apologize. you freaked out on me, and really really hurt me with some of the things you said. u know that i love you more than anyone, and that i would do anything for you and i hated that u said that u think ill be happy when u leave. cuz thats not the case at all and you know it. this is the worst for both of us, cuz i know we both hate fighting with eachother. we really need to talk, so please call me whenever u can. its bothered me all day and i dont know how i can have a good break knowing that things arent ok between us.

well thats enough for today, i gotta take tylenol for this headache. i love you guys!
xoxo- court

p.s. props to annie for commenting on my last entry!!!! =)
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