July 16th playbill op

Jul 11, 2011 05:01

I understand that this is extremely short notice but we were just aloud to publish something with in the playbill that makes it worth seeing who would wish to be part of it as well.

July 16th in Philadelphia Dorian's Parlor One Year Anniversary
Event info and RSVP here : http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=117135848365529&ref=ts

I am certain you are all aware that this July 16th in Philadelphia the one year anniversary of Dorian's Parlor One Year Anniversary is talking place.

We have been extremely fortunate and privileged via Wildside Press to be aloud to publish exclusively the prologue and first chapter to the debut novel of G.D Falksen's The Hellfire Chronicles: Blood In The Skies. This means the playbill we are publishing and handing out for free to more than the 500+ attendees at our great event will include not only full color playbill of all the entertainment, performers and vendors of the event but also a preview of a book just out this July. Due to this special collector's item we now feel it is appropriate to open our playbill up for you to place your advertisements within its pages. But due to time constraints with the event we are only open to all ad slots for the next 24 hours from now, until 6am Tuesday EST. So please if you wish be part of this ever growing fantastic night now is your change to have your ad within the pages of our collectable playbill with exclusive printed material.

I would love for the playbill to be full of nothing but ads for the fantastic fashion and accessory stores and such I see post here all the time.

Info on add space needs here

It should also be noted that during the event we are having quite a large amount of press and media filming for documentaries and a number of other things so it is a chance to have your promotional material seen by members of the press and TV as well.

If you wish to jump on this short lived opportunity please email for ASAP info : apramagioulis@gmail.com

Thank you and I hope you come if you can. It's really becoming something special beyond the magic we do monthly at Dorian's Parlor.
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