Sorry guys had to vent...if u dont care just dont read it
I hate it when i get bitched at 4 things I dont do
I hate it that my brother gets favored
I hate it that everythings allways Kristine's fault!
weather its good or bad...
I hate it that nothing I ever do is ever good enough
I hate all the drama in my life
I hate it that we have things at work called FEC's cause we cant leave are registers that are supposto be there to help u and are never around!
I hate that people dont see the fact that you light is off on ur register and have absolutly no consideration and come threw ur line anyway
I hate that the managers could care less when ur break is and will get around to u when they have time
I hate stupid customers that argue over 20 cents
I hate that i have to worry about getting kidnaped cause scary guys tell me there gunna wait for me in the parking lot!!
I hate the fact that I get called at 7:00am every morning to come into work when im not schedualed!!
I hate the fact that people take me for granted!
I hate it that i can't just be my self with out worrying about getting walked all over!
I hate that i dont kno who my true friends are any more!
I hate not being included in any thing my family does!!
I hate that everything and everybody I grew up with is a million miles away!
I hate it that all the guys are just my friends and nothing more and they talk to me about girls and ask me to talk to girls for them:-/
I hate not knowing who to trust and who not to any more!!
I hate liars!!