please comment

Jan 02, 2007 05:57

i have a feeling kristen might delete my comment, so i want to put it here. i commented on her lj and this is what it said

"started talking to brown again. (again, excuse the mistakes)"

"july--realized i still cared about brown. pseudo-dated him, until it became apparent we had different intentions. and that i turned into a decent person and well, can't say the same for him. watched my heart physcially fall out of my chest and shatter on the floor."

Kristen what is ur problem? I have not said anything mean about you at all on livejournal or to anyone else, and you still keep acting up like this. forreal, clean ur act up and act like ur 17 years old. you got into ursinus, just shut up. i even actaully said something nice about you the toher day. some dude (keeping him anonymous(sp?) because he might care if i say his name) IMed me telling me about the way you've been treating him badly lately, and i was basically like "yo it's probobly not her fault, she's bipolar, she has mental problems, she can't handle the way she acts sometimes. she probobly regrets all the bad shit she says afterwords". and i  get crap like this from you? don't call me brown, i don't know you like that, and you dont' know me like that. "that i turned into a decent person and well, can't say the same for him.". are u serious? yeah ok i said i loved you..but at the time i thought i meant it. when i realized i didnt mean it i told you how i really felt. the fooking truth, what a good person would do...maybe you didnt like the truth, but that doesnt give u a right to say i'm not a decent person. a real asshole would've kept on telling you he loves you just to keep getting action from you. i wasnt an asshole to you kristen, and jsut cuz you didnt get what you wanted, you can't say that i was. you were mad nice to me, by giving me rides and shit, and you probobly feel like it was all for nothing. shit, fuck me kris, NO ONE CAN HELP THE WAY THEY FEEL. Is it my fault? is it your fault? no. my feelings just ended up like that someway or another, and there was nothing i could do about it. Trying to control or change my feelings wouldnt make me a good guy. it'd just make me an idiot trying to run away from something bad. But trying to do the right thing with my real feelings will atleast make me a decent person. yo i dont' even have time to look at lj, but whenever i see it i always see something negative to me from you. hey it's ur livejournal, write whatever you want. but if you're going to write about me, i have a write to respond. i dunno, like are u trying to piss me off or something? or get back at me, or trying to get me to respond? how the hell are you going to call me something my friends call me (brown) and then say i'm not a decent guy?  i really have no idea what's going on in ur life, but whatever it is, it's no excuse to talk about me like that. shit i just had a big Eid party at my house, i dipped with eden, now i'm in new york, it's 5am, and i just finished watching the first season of Entourage. It's kind of nasty, i'm not gonna lie. Right after i finish watching, i go on LJ to check up on my fellow mates, like andy and syd...and then i come across this shit. i feel like if i don't comment you like this, you won't stop. i know, you were really hurt from the summer. it hurt me knowing that you were hurt, i cared about you. ur like one of my first big dog relationships, and i'm gonna remember u for some time. but i'm not going to be bitter about it like this. please do the same.

Am i a "non-decent" person? Am i right or wrong? honestly, i feel like i'm an alright guy that tries to be a good person. anyone can answer this...if i know you, don't like you, love you (syd), really love you (andy), i don't care..just answer the question and it'll help me one way or another.

and forreal. watch Entourage. it's actually the shit.
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