CnC OOC: Police Biz

May 17, 2020 11:07

This will be a record of cases that the police are currently working on/have open in the City. Please comment to add to the list. For the main police directory, follow this link.

Also please comment if you think the format needs improvement or expansion :D Lovingly moved from Ari's post here.

If you need a police character (or more!) for your plot, please feel free to contact the following muns for CR and plotting:

Toby - Carlton Lassiter: lassiface  - liarboo on AIM
Kirsten - Garrus Vakarian: matchmyreach  -
Laih - Elisa Maza: nyc_detective  - laihiriel on AIM


Incident: St. Mercy's Hospital Murders
When: November 15/16 2008.
Police response (if any): None. No police force at the time. Robin investigated, file turned over to the police when they first began to organize.
Was there a log of the event?: No
What happened?: Roughly seven thousand killed by a viral attack of some kind.
Consequences: Personage "Thrax" suspected; no hard evidence. List of stolen equipment - all machines from neurological department
Investigating officer(s): Adrian Monk
Case status: Cold - on-going
Relevant links: Organization post here.


Incident: Murder Investigation
When: Jan. 25
Police response (if any): Detectives Lassiter and Spencer along with Percy.
Was there a log of the event?: Kind of
What happened?: Hispanic guy beaten to death by five white guys. (TOBY: and he was a college student and seemingly a nice kid, but they are wondering if the guys that beat him up have anything to do with the new drug ring opening up, and maybe the hispanic kid was a drug dealer that they were maybe getting rid of)
Consequences: Interrogation of one suspect led to evidence enough to arrest the other perps.
Investigating officer(s): Det. Lassiter, Spencer, Percy
Case status: Closed.
Relevant Links: Feb 18 update post by Lassiter, interrogation log


Incident: Yet another murder investigation
When: Feb. 4 -ish
Police response (if any): Currently under investigation by Sentinel and the CSI team.
Was there a log?: Original incident is here.
What happened?: Starscream got pwned and killed by members of his own faction and left a bloody mess all over his office.
Consequences: Starscream's dead, but he'll get better. No idea when (should probably talk to people about that), but at some point in the future Sentinel is going to find out who's responsible, angst at Blackarachnia, and chase Thundercracker down in the name of personal grudges justice, leading to some sort of epic showdown of ultimate destiny.
Investigating officer(s): Sentinel Prime
Case Status: Closed. Thundercracker is in custody.
Relevant Links:


Incident: Torture/Murder of Soldier Blue by Kel'Thuzad and Lich King
When: 3am on Saturday morning (February 6)
Police response (if any): Jono and Atsuko went to the scene along with NPCs
Was there a log?: No
What happened?: Blue died, Atsuko and Jono were on crowd control, Alastair and Bakura showed up to rage against the dying of the light, CSI crap went down
Consequences: KT and LK are now on the wanted list, Blue died.
Investigating officer(s):
Case status: On-going
Relevant Links: KT and LK's main comm post here.


Incident: Carnage gets beaten down by Sam and Roberto
When: 6pm on the 7th of February
Police response (if any): Jono took a squad to try and capture Carnage afterward
Was there a log?: here
What happened?: Carnage got set on fire, Sam got a brick to the head.
Consequences: Carnage gets away. The police are eternally frustrated.
Investigating officer(s): Jonothon Starsmore, Robyn Slinger
Case Status: On-going
Relevant Links: Main comm post by Sam, notifying police after the fact


Incident: Hit-and-run
When: February 18, 2010
Police response (if any): Police went to the scene to do... policey things and arrest the driver.
Was there a log?: No
What happened?: Death notified the police that a boy named Michael had been killed by a hit-and-run driver by the name of Jacob Coles - giving his location, as well.
Investigating officer(s): Mark Hoffman
Case Status: On-going?
Relevant Links: Main comm post by Death; notification from Hoffman on the apprehension of Coles (02-19-10)


Incident: Murdering murders mcmurderson the 3rd
When: February 19, 2010
Police response (if any): Maza, Grey, and Monk went to the scene
Was there a log?: No
What happened?: Alpha posted a vid of murdered women to the network; it's obvious he's the killer. Shit goes down. Elisa and Monk go to the scene, Dr Saunders brought in to the station by Cameron Phillips for questioning. Aaron Grey goes to the scene as well.
Consequences: Alpha's gone, but they've got evidence against him and he's on the wanted list.
Investigating officer(s): Elisa Maza, Adrian Monk, Aaron Grey
Case Status: On-going?
Relevant Links: Whiskey registers her complaint against Alpha; McClane notifies police about it; OOC information post; main Comm post by Alpha; police reaction post by Maza


Incident: Rikki's murder, Toro's subsequent assbeating
When: March 9, shortly after midnight
Police response (if any): NPC presumably called to the scene after Toro finds her body
Was there a log?: For the murder yes, police response no
What happened?: Rikki tracked down Winter Soldier!Bucky, talked to him, and then he killed her ass. She managed to trigger a distress signal to Toro, who arrived in time to see her stabbed to death body and to take her bloody goggles. Then he tracked down Bucky and recieved his own assbeating which landed him in the hospital!
Consequences: Rikki's dead, Toro's in the hospital, lots of people are sad, Bucky as soon as he switches back will be totally guilty and suicidal for a week or so.
Investigating officer(s): Officer NPC
Relevant Links: this log, this post


Incident: The Saitou debacle
When: Technically this had been brewing for months, but it came to a head February 5, 2010
Police response (if any): Investigations, search warrants, basically everything they had to throw at Saitou, they did.
Was there a log?: Yes'm.
What happened?: The feud between Saitou and Cavil came to a head when Maza + others begin to notice Saitou being... accused of murder and not particularly having anything to say in his own defense. Maza interviewed Saitou about it on two occasions, the second occasion culminating in Saitou knocking Elisa out and making a run for it.
Consequences: Saitou becomes a wanted criminal; Cole and Jono go to search his building but find nothing; Bakura and Alastair become (unbeknownst to police) accomplices; Maza ends up in the hospital; everybody hates Saitou.
Investigating officer(s): Cole and Jono for the initial follow-up, then... uh. Maza and the rest of the police captains/commishes because this has to do with a rogue officer.
Case Status: On-going.
Relevant Links: OOC links list of incriminating evidence re: Saitou is a murderer; Saitou's first interview with Maza; Maza's post after being knocked-out; Jono and Cole search the apartment; Saitou visits Maza in the hospital; after having lain low for a while, Saitou re-enters the City after being 'ported out for a day, Saitou visits Maza after her resurrection and promises to turn himself in, OOC planning


Incident: Jewelry heist, bank robbery, human trafficking. X-Factor investigated all these crimes separately but now believe that they may all be part of a larger crime syndicate +/- superpower involvement. Or not.
When: Early March.
Police response (if any): Likely NPC police will have responded to the jewel heist, as Jamie mentioned investigating after-the-fact. Monet will be calling Jono about the latter two.
Was there a log of the event?: See above.
What happened?: A jewelry store was robbed, a bank was saved from being robbed (the log isn't finished but likely the police will find the robbers tied and gagged, waiting for police), and a prostitute and lady saved a dozen teenagers from being sold (the police might find these perpetrators in a little worse shape than the previous.)
Consequences: Bank robbers and traffickers arrested; X-Factor now suspicious that all of these things are related.
Investigating officer(s): Jono, NPC police officers
Case status: Individual instances can be NPCd as closed, but as part of a larger X-force investigation, on-going.


Incident: Murder of Sentinel Prime
When: 3/10/10
Police response (if any): Thundercracker was arrested immediately after confessing over the network.
Was there a log of the event?: Ongoing here.
What happened?: Sentinel attempted to arrest Thundercracker for murdering Starscream. A fight ensued, Thundercracker lost it and set off a sonic blast within lethal range of Sentinel's head.
Consequences: Sentinel's dead until about 3/31, everything else is enumerated here.
Investigating officer(s): Cole McGrath, Robin Slinger and Jono Starsmore were canvassing, Jono's also reviewing the records and will shortly be assisted by Oracle. EVE's on CSI.
Case status: Ongoing.
Relevant links: See above.


Incident: Kidnapping of one James Bond.
When: Sunday morning, March 21 2010.
Police response (if any): TBD.
Was there a log of the event?: Yes.
What happened?: While out for a morning drive, James Bond was attacked by members of New Millennium in two Volkswagens, a motorcycle, and an eighteen-wheeler truck. After a quick car chase during which Bond killed two of his assailants and wrecked the truck, one of the VWs, the motorcycle, and the Aston-Martin he was driving, Bond was knocked unconscious and spirited away by the surviving attackers. Miraculously, there were no civilian casualties.
Investigating officer(s): TBD
Case status: On-going. Bond's escape is already planned.
Relevant links: OOC post here.


Incident: Kidnapping of one Detective Aaron Grey.
When: Afternoon of March 20th
Police response (if any): TBD.
Was there a log of the event?: Yes.
What happened?: While investigating a complaint of excessive firepower employed during the ghoul plague, Detective Grey stumbled upon the Major's headquarters and was taken down by New Millennium. Once the Major realized Grey was a vampire, he immediately contacted Slade to examine him and find out how his vampirism can be replicated.
Investigating officer(s): TBD
Case status: On-going. Aaron's release is already planned.
Relevant links: OOC post here.


Incident: Rampaging Ghouls in the City 2010.
When: 15-19 March 2010.
Police response (if any): None taken against LK until after the event had wound down.
Was there a log of the event?: No log of the capture, sadface.
What happened?: The Lich King spread a plague of Undeath. Or more he bent Koltira Deathweaver to his will to taint the flour in certain bakeries. 500 NPCS were infected, 150 died. Those who were not healed became shambling ghouls and general chaos ensued.
Consequences: Lich King is in super jail. He did a bragging post admitting it was his idea, though Koltira admitted he did it whilst bent under LK's will. Asides from that post there is only his word against theirs to prove he did it, no hard evidence at this time.
Investigating officer(s): I'm not sure /sob, but Jack Bauer seems happy to be arresting the rest of LK's lackeys which I 100% approve of.
Case status: On going I think. I'm hoping to port LK out for a power update. If that is allowed, I will let him sit in jail for at least 3 weeks before doing so. [closed... FOR
Relevant links: Organization post, Official numbers, A random death that was actually a test run, Warning/Bragging, Blue's death- not related to the ghoul plot but a useful link anyway.


Incident: Katurian and Takaya's disappearance from the asylum, and Katurian's murder
When: Breakout/Kidnapping was April 3rd, Katurian's body discovered by NPC early morning April 10th.
Police response (if any): NPC response, I imagine!
Was there a log?: For the kidnapping, and the murder! The latter is currently in progress.
What happened?: Alpha (under the name Dr. Jason Malcolm) kidnapped Takaya and Katurian from the psychiatric hospital, and left in a stolen blue toyota. Takaya was released from Alpha the next morning, but Katurian was kept for a six days. Unbeknownst to Alpha, Katurian asked Death to kill him, and on Friday night, Death's influence caused Alpha accidentally shoot Katurian in the head. He dumped his body early the next morning by the side of a road. Katurian likely wouldn't be a John Doe, since he's already been reported as an import missing from the asylum.
Consequences: Katurian is deeeeead for the next two weeks. Alpha's going to snap and create a mess that I believe the mun has already worked out with some of the coppers. :>
Investigating officer(s): Elisa Maza
Case Status: On-going
Relevant Links: Breakout, Accidental murder, Elisa questioning Katurian, Elisa talking to Alpha


Incident: Assault and rape, followed by murder of suspect.
When: the night of 04/11
Police response: TBD
Was there a log: Not of the original event
What happened: Essentially, a man who kept his wife in a closet came home drunk and proceeded to beat and rape her. Later Delirium posted about it on the Network, specifically asking someone to kill the man in question. Several people stepped forward and with Delirium using her influence to keep out others who might try to stop it, the man was killed that same night.
Consequences: Log here
Investigating Officers: whoever wants it
Relevant Links: Network post, OOC post


Incident: Slade's capture
When: April 16, 2010
Police response (if any): None at the time.
Was there a log of the event?: Yes.
What happened?: During the Major's siege on the City, Saitou encountered Slade, fought, and captured him in Washington, D.C. after inflicting a near-fatal wound.
Consequences: Slade has since been shipped back to the City and hospitalized at the Import Clinic. He will be incarcerated in the super jail as soon as he's healed enough to be there.
Investigating officer(s): Garrus Vakarian (his guard) and Elisa Maza (interrogator).
Case status: On-going.
Relevant links: Interrogation log


Incident: Harley Quinn abductions
When: April 10, 2010 -> April 25, 2010
Police response (if any): None at the time.
Was there a log of the event?: Yes.
What happened?: Four individuals were abducted over the course of a few weeks: a plastic surgeon from Tijuana and four seemingly random men within the City.
Consequences: TBD
Investigating officer(s): TBD
Case status: On-going.
Relevant links: 1, 2.


Incident: Blackout of the City.
When: 11:23 to 11:34, April 25 2010.
Police response (if any): Jack Bauer's been put in charge of the investigation, with Wesker and EVE.
Was there a log of the event?: No.
What happened?: Details here.
Consequences: 11 minutes of inconvenience, some looting and crime, with the possibility of more sinister things on the way.
Investigating officer(s): See above.
Case status: On-going.
Relevant links:


Incident: Investigation of Weasel's possibly illegal weapon sales.
When: 14 May 2010
Police response (if any): An officer was dispatched to inspect his books, and stock.
Was there a log of the event?: Yes
What happened?: TBD
Consequences: TBD
Investigating officer(s):Seras Victoria
Case status: TBD
Relevant links: Log here


Incident: Jan Valentine's attempted murder...of a blow up doll. Followed by him trying to kill those who responded.
When: 3AM 8 May 2010
Police response (if any): One officer on scene.
Was there a log of the event?: Yes
What happened?: Jan had tricked everyone into thinking that a blow up doll was in fact a real victim. On arriving Seras engaged the suspect, but was unable to make an arrest. Two civilians aided her in the effort.
Consequences: Jan escaped, and is still at large. Sadly the "victim" caught on fire, and was destroyed. One of the civilians was identified as Yuuki Juudai. The other was not. She was a small human, possibly a young girl, and well armed.
Investigating officer(s): Seras Victoria
Case status: Open
Relevant links: Log here


Incident: Murders of 12 various persons over the course of the month of May. 5 have already been committed with 7 more due by the end of the month.
When: Various. A few of the known;
-A street performer downtown beaten to death with his own guitar and guitar case. Happened in broad daylight, but weirdly, no one saw anything. Occurred May 5th
-Morbidly obese man in a McDonalds a little after lunch time a few days ago, killed when he bled out from the eyes after being stabbed with a bendy straw in each one. EMTs were unable to get him into the ambulance in time to save him. He was really fat. Plenty of witnesses, but they all remember seeing someone different. Occurred May 10th
-Two people dead in a coffee shop. Seem to have had their throats slit and their heads injured by blunt force trauma. Broken coffee mugs with blood lie on the ground nearby. Security footage is blurred and staticy, as if it has been subject to electromagnetic interference. Occurred May 16th

None of the scenes will have fingerprints; Nny always makes sure to wear gloves.
Police Response: Probably?!
Was there a log of the event?: No, but Nny mentions killing people with bendy straws in his post here, but due to his powers, it might not seem immediately obvious.
What happened: Nny did what he does best.
Consequences: None, yet. But eventually I do want Nny captured and incarcerated in the insane asylum. Probably at the end of June/early July.
Investigating officers:
Relevant Links:


Incident: Possibly gang-related assault.
When: Between 11AM-12PM, May 15.
Police response (if any): Jack and Yusuke were in the area testing out the Bauercopter. No further response needed.
Was there a log of the event?: Here.
What happened?: Four men attacked a fifth on the sidewalk for currently unknown reasons. Bystanders called the police, and the helicopter arrived shortly to find the victim being viciously beaten on the ground. Bauer ordered them to step away from the victim and put their hands behind their heads, but the suspects attempted to flee the scene. They were then incapacitated by stun blasts from the helicopter. Jack then fast-roped to the ground to tend to the victim, leaving the helicopter in the hands of Yusuke, who called in backup to take the suspects into custody and paramedics to take the victim to the hospital.
Consequences: Four thugs in custody, one battered civilian in the hospital.
Investigating officer(s): See above.
Case status: Closed.


Incident: Apprehending Mecha Sonic
When: The night of May 24th
Police response (if any): Officers Seras Victoria, and Yusuke Urameshi responded to the scene.
Was there a log of the event?: Right here
What happened?: Mecha Sonic had made threats to "liquidate" the city. Yusuke, and Seras were able to track him down to Central Park. After a brief exchange of fire they were able to disorient the suspect enough to arrest him. The officers then called in a squad car to transport the suspect to the Superjail. Property damage was minimal just a few trees, and no civilians were harmed.
Consequences: Mecha Sonic is now in custody, and booked into the Superjail
Investigating officer(s): See above.
Case status: Closed.


Incident: Three random "accidents".
When: June 3, 4, & 5.
Police response (if any): I assume there would have been someone sent out to each of the accidents.
Was there a log of the event?: No.
What happened?:
JUNE 3RD, an older lady was killed by an exposed wire dropping into a full sink of water in the kitchen when she was doing dishes. Upon investigation it would be noted that the wire was exposed as it was by being chewed upon by multiple cats. Nothing overly surprising, as the lady owned a lot of them.
JUNE 4TH, a young girl was killed by a car. The accident occurred when she tripped into the road as the light changed. Upon investigation, a small white cat hair would be stuck on her shoe.
JUNE 5TH, a middle aged man was killed by jumping off a bridge. Upon investigation witnesses will say they saw the man talking to himself and just acting like something was after him.

Consequences: None yet, but there will likely be some once Cheshire starts killing instead of "causing accidents".
Relevant links: Here.


Incident: 3 officer deaths
When: Morning of June 10th
Police response (if any): well the NPC officers that came died
Was there a log of the event?: here
What happened?: Lois tried to kill some innocent woman and the police responded so they kinda got killed instead.
Consequences: I doubt the police are very happy with her. Ooops.
Investigating officer(s): um?
Case status: up to you!!!

cape and cowl, ooc, police info

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