Spider's Walk application

Aug 31, 2009 15:09

JOURNAL: laihiriel
IM: Laihiriel
E-MAIL: dragonlordqueen@yahoo.com

FANDOM: Gargoyles
CHRONOLOGY: Immediately after the events of the Avalon World Tour arc.


Elisa Maza was born the oldest of three children. Her mother, Diane, is African-American of Nigerian descent, while her father, Peter, is Native-American. Not much is known of her childhood, except that it seemed to be quite normal, well-adjusted, and loving. As an adult, Elisa followed her father's footsteps and joined the ranks of the NYPD. Elisa maintains a strong bond with her family, although her relationship with her mother and brother is slightly strained, for different reasons.

Elisa's quick wit and sharp instincts moved her through the ranks fairly quickly, and she soon became detective under Captain Maria Chavez of the 23rd Precinct. She is well liked and well respected within her precinct, and given fairly free reign because she produces results. Elisa's “Lex Luthor”, her main (human) enemy, is a mob boss named Tony Dracon. Despite Elisa's valiant efforts, it seems nearly impossible to get charges to stick to Dracon.

Her life was fairly normal, for that of a cop. She made enough money to have a penthouse apartment in a decent neighborhood, and lives with her cat, Cagney. Elisa's life, however, changed radically one evening when she was called to investigate the sounds of gunfire and rubble falling from the very top of Xanatos' tower. Her curiosity was further piqued when she realized that there were claw marks on the very large pieces of stone falling from the sky. Although initially turned away by the tower's owner and his assistant, Elisa snoops and meets, for the first time the Gargoyles. Startled, Elisa tries to shoot one of them (the beast later named Bronx), but has her gun crushed by Goliath, the leader of the Gargoyle clan. Like any sane human, she's terrified beyond belief, and slips over the side of the castle walls. Elisa would have plummeted to her doom were she not saved by Goliath. And lo, a bond and a deep trust was formed that would last them a lifetime.

Immediately protective of her newfound friends, Elisa tried her best to slowly introduce them into the strange new world in which they found themselves. Goliath and his winged clan had been awakened from a stone sleep that had lasted over one thousand years, so the shift from the world they had known to the ones they found themselves in was rather extreme. Their experiences before being frozen in stone, and upon awakening once more, were that of betrayal and deception, and the clan was not inclined to trust humans. Xanatos had broken the spell on the Gargoyles solely to use them for his own personal gain, and had set about using them to steal for him.

Elisa recognized the need to convince the clan that not all humans were as slimy as Xanatos, and set about doing just that.

It seemed, however, that strangeness attracted further strangeness, and Elisa found herself mixed up in a world of science, magic, and superstition she never believed in. Wise to Xanatos' machinations and manipulations, Elisa begged the Gargoyles to find a home that put them away from the multi-millionare. Heeding her advice, the clan relocated themselves atop the clock tower above Elisa's precinct. As they adjusted, the clan began to run into old enemies, in the form of Demona and Xanatos, and new enemies, such as MacBeth. Elisa soon gained a detective partner by the name of Matt Bluestone, and, once he had proven himself trustworthy, the Gargoyles found themselves a new ally.

On a more personal note, Elisa has a bit of a vendetta against Xanatos and one of his underlings, Dr. Anton Sevarius, for manipulating her brother, Derek. First Xanatos hires Derek as a personal bodyguard and helicopter pilot, but later has him genetically mutated into a gargoyle-like creature, and frames Goliath for the set-up. Elisa cannot and will not forgive Xanatos for his crimes against her brother, but has no evidence to prosecute Xanatos with without exposing both her brother and the Gargoyles. It doesn't help that Derek, going by the name of Talon, fully believes Xanatos will be able to reverse the mutation and restore his human appearance.

On her most recent caper, Elisa, Goliath, and Bronx, the Gargoyle's pet, were summoned by Tom, the Guardian. As a boy, Tom had known the Gargoyle clan prior to its destruction and betrayal. He, the Princess Katherine, and the Magus who cast the spell upon the survivors, had taken the Gargoyle eggs to the mystical island of Avalon, where they would be protected. However, the life the three humans and the Avalon clan have made for themselves has been threatened, and it is up to Goliath and Elisa to help save them. After their victory on Avalon, they are joined by a young Gargoyle named Angela.

Although their intent was to immediately return home to Manhattan, the magic of Avalon sent the little band on a strange journey spanning time and space. For six months, the travelers were taken to all corners of the globe; not where they wanted to go, certainly, but where, according to Tom, they “needed to be”. During their travels, Elisa, Goliath, and Angela discovered other Gargoyle clans, and defeated old enemies at various points in time and locales.

Of all the Gargoyles, Elisa is closest to Goliath. While the relationship is leaning heavily towards romantic in nature, Elisa is a pragmatist, and does not think anything will ever come of it.

For more details (yes, I know this is tl;dr as is, but THERE'S MORE!) please check out this site

Prior to having her worldview rather forcibly expanded, Elisa was a very skeptical, down-to-earth kind of girl. She put stock in the things she could directly experience, and trusted her instincts. To a great extent, she still is very down-to-earth. Elisa has a wry sense of humor that makes itself known during unusual moments; often she'll crack an odd joke to lighten tension. Though not a particularly trusting person, Elisa's loyal to a fault once her trust has been earned. She knows the value of having a good partner at her back, and a group of people she can rely on.

To some extent, Elisa can be slightly selfish. While her main motivation for hiding the Gargoyles from human eyes was one of protection, as she didn't want them trapped in a situation they could not understand or control, she was guilty of the crime of wanting to be special. As the Gargoyles knew of no other human they truly trusted, Elisa had the unique position of ambassador for the human race, and she relished the attention. She has a tendency to hide her true emotions, possibly as a form of self-defense, but this is not to suggest that she is a cold person.

She's smart, got good instincts, and resilient. She's a good cop and an even better detective, mostly because she tries not to let herself get flustered too often. However, when her family or her friends are threatened, Elisa will bend over backwards to protect them. She'll try to do everything in her power to vanquish the threat.

SUPERHERO NAME: If any, it'll probably be Duta (S'far as I can tell, it's the Dakota Sioux word for “red”)
POWER: This is a completely non-canon power: the ability to transform into a gargoyle at will. The process is painful, though.


Woah, woah. Time out here. Where am I? I just got off that small boat from China. And Avalon. And Egypt. And Guatemala. And Japan. And a whole other bunch of places I really didn't want to go to. Well, not the way I did. Point is, I just set foot back on my city of New York, and I kinda thought that I was there for good this time. I'm all ready in a ton of trouble with Matt and Captain Chavez as it is for my little “extended holiday”...

Is there a pay phone around here somewhere so I can actually call my precinct? Maybe Matt will have emptied his darned message machine this time.

…Jalepeña. Did... did I just see someone fly over me?

Seriously, what is this place? And when can I go back home?


Of late, Detective Elisa Maza seemed to be finding herself in more and more unusual situations. Not just unusual as in “there's someone pointing an illegal laser rifle at my skull,” because that wasn't terribly uncommon, but unusual in the “there's an ancient Norse god attempting to freeze me to death, how do I get out of this one” sense. She never had been one to put much stock in the paranormal. Aliens didn't interest her, nor ghosts, demons, conspiracy theories, cryptozoology, or any other of that weird crap that they marketed to impressionable teens in New Age shops down in Soho. It was much better to worry about the things in front of you, the things you could touch and see, than the things you couldn't. Elisa figured that was best left in the realm of nut jobs and philosophers.

Even in the midst of the weird magic stuff she found herself in, it was a bit difficult to really believe. Who would have ever thought that stone statues of winged monsters came to life after dark? Or that they'd be able to cast magic spells? Or time travel? It was all really a bit much, and Elisa got through it the only way she knew how: by not really thinking about it too hard. Besides, Goliath and the rest of the clan had proven themselves time and time again. They just were, and after so long, Elisa was used to their non-human appearance.

But it was still disconcerting to be jerked about all over the place. While she had liked spending some quality time with the Big Guy, (and she had liked that a great deal) Elisa did not enjoy the unpredictability of the strange world tour the magical boat from Avalon sent her on. As she had little choice, she bore with it, but still, Elisa was fairly certain she'd had enough travel, through time or the normal kind, to last her a good long while.

And then she had wound up here. Wherever here was. She certainly couldn't identify it off the top of her head without proper landmarks. It was daylight, so even if Goliath or anyone was around, she wouldn't be able to get in touch with them. And what if they weren't here at all?

It was a startling possibility. They had been her shadows, her constant guardians for so long that not having them near was... upsetting. It threw her off-balance.

But part of being a good detective was to deal with it. Life threw weirdness at her every day, and, as far as Elisa was concerned, this was just another day. Avalon eventually spit her back out in Manhattan, so there was nothing to say that this place wouldn't either.

Really, though, it'd be nice to just be able to just file a bit of paperwork. Just for a change of pace.

spider's walk, application, ooc

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