It's official. Finally.

Jul 03, 2015 17:30

I am now completely moved into NYC! It only took a month. *groan* Now I have to get a NY license and then re-register my car. Oh yeah, and look for a job. *facepalm*

Mom's had all the hardware removed from her shoulder at this point. The orthopedist says everything looks great and there should be no loss of range of motion. It's just a matter of building up to it. She went for an initial evaluation with the local, and very good, physical therapist. She's got a few additional home exercises to do and the real work will begin on Monday. Yay!

Me? I'm mentally and physically exhausted. I have so much to get done and no energy or even desire to do any of it. I'm pushing myself but no getting very far. I just have to keep telling myself that it isn't a race. It'll get done. Still and all, I am giving serious thought to opening the bottle of amaretto tonight...
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